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The New Year begins with remembering that ...
Anything not making you golden? Leave it in last year. Ask where your value lies—Is it what you have? Who you know? No, it’s who you are! Easy as that! Let go of what you are not, and see the perfection that remains. Pluto says "It's time to stop floating adrift, dear Scorpio, and to put down your anchor, finally."
Where do you live? Who do you live with? Who is your “family?” Find your best tribe and receive the support you so deserve! This very well may be a community that you had not considered before, that may end your uprooted struggle and plant your soul in fertile ground.
As you make yourself whole, you can assist others to do the same. Absolute transformation awaits you. Community love, individual love, pet love, garden love, food love, comfie love—accept it all; it’s for you.
The Total Solar Eclipse in April reminds you that “Health is Wealth,” illuminating your resolve to strengthen and be of service to others and motivating the World to follow suit. Cleanse now! We all need clean air, water and soil. Lead the revolution of luminous purity. You tend to be an unsung do-gooder, but Saturn wants you to bring your good deeds into the light of day so you can be seen and accepted as the superhero that you are!
—by Melissa Kae Mason, "MoonCat!" © Mother Tongue Ink 2023
from pg 149 in We’Moon 2024
Sharp focus, perceptive, empowered, mysterious.
The mood is smoky, primal, occult, and curious; still waters run deep.
You are perceptive, focused where you're interested, but can hyper-focus and miss what's just beyond.
You play your cards close to your chest and understand much that is mysterious to others. Your challenge is to see life's gifts as clearly as you can see the problems.
Those born under a Scorpio Moon are curious, private, mysterious, and intense. They need time alone but not loneliness, feel deeply but may have trouble expressing their feelings, which can become explosive under pressure.
While they're wonderful in an emergency, they have no patience for trivia. Trust brings out their depth and loyalty.
Our focus, with and temper sharpen. The mood is broody, sultry, possessive, introspective serious with dark humor. We want to research, look under the rocks, look at the worst-case scenario, and know we're strong enough to handle it.
— excerpts from We'Moon planners
by Heather Roan Robbins © Mother Tongue Ink 2019
Read more from Heather Roan Robbins weekly Starcode updates, here!
To learn more about Moon signs and their influences, read more at What Sign is the Moon in, What is My Moon Sign, and What Does it all Mean?
Elemental Journey © Heather L. Crowley 2013
What is a rising sign you ask? The rising sign is the sign that was present on the horizon at the time of your birth. It sits similarly on your birth chart on this horizon line, or equatorial line in your chart on the left or east side of your chart.
Do calculate your rising sign, you'll need to know the exact time of your birth, once you know along with your geographic location, you can visit many sites and receive a free birth chart, here is one of our staff favorites.
Your sun sign represents your core personality, and the qualities of our outward shining self. Your moon sign reflects qualities of your inner core self, or emotional self.
Rising sign is your outlook on the world and first impression you give to others.
Rising sign also dictates where the Astrological Houses lay within your chart.
The Houses (twelve pie shaped sections) of our personal birth chart attend to all areas of our life. Each house represents a basic facet of human experience from birth to death. The placement of each house in your natal chart is dependent on your rising sign
Scorpio rising signs are goddess of transformation. You may be magnetic or charismatic but also hold tight to your secrets, and those of others. You are a keeper of secrets, both of yours and of others. You easily confront darkness, and may even feel at home in shadow.
Scorpio ascendants are deeply private and sensitive people, though they may be intimidating at first glance. They love deeply and passionately.
Cry of the Raven © Pat Malcolm 2007
We prepare ourselves to dive into the darkness of the season. The veil is thin between our world and the next.
Scorpio is often called the Scorpion, though it can also be seen as an eagle flying overhead with pray in its talons and the phoenix resembling the death and rebirth aspect of Scorpion traits.
The Glyph is similar to that of Virgo, except the tail points outward instead of inward, recognizing Scorpio's ability to see beyond and out into the world.
Scorpio often brings the first frost of the season. The leaves start to change and fall off the trees. The season is shifting as it's preparing itself for the cold months ahead. Many plants and animals begin to get ready for hibernation and draw inward and down for this time.
It is also the time of the mushroom, these wonderful beings transform dead material into rich soil. Scorpio is all about transformation and life within death.
Scorpio rules Dusk or early evening when the sun is behind the horizon line. Libra brings the sunset, and Scorpio opens the night.
The sign opposite Scorpio is Taurus, Taurus rules the morning when we prepare ourselves for the day, Scorpio on the other side readies us for night time activities.
In tune with Scorpio's ability to bring live and death, these body parts match ability our body has to transform waste, rid ourselves of excess and bring life into this world.
The place where Libran body parts and Scorpionic parts meet, cecum and appendix, creates a scorpion like tail shape within our body as well.
All Seeing Aye by Viandara 2008
Planets in Scorpio almost seem to have a sixth sense in them, their intuition is high in those matters and can understand deeply what the Planet resembles.
Planets in Scorpio carry lots of secrets and truth, whether they care to divulge them, that's up to you.
— Leah Markman © Mother Tongue Ink
“The Houses (twelve pie shaped sections) of our personal birth chart attend to all areas of our life. Each house represents a basic facet of human experience from birth to death.”
The placement of each house in your natal chart is dependent on your rising sign. A person with an Aries rising has what is called a “natural chart”. A rising sign is the sign ascending on the eastern horizon on the time of your birth, it can be calculated using a rising sign calculator here!
The Eighth House is concerned with joint resources, including our financial affairs and meeting needs for intimate connection and sexuality.
As we merge deeply with others we may care passionately, hold tightly, then allow for dissolution to take place.
— Sandra Pastorius © Mother Tongue Ink 2018
Mars is a planet of action, drive, desire and energy. Aries is also ruled by Mars, Mars in Scorpio is an intense lover, strong willed and hyper focused on what matters to them and extremely passionate.
Mars is our sense of get up and go! It is the capacity to take action and do; it represents motion. It can also affect our temperament.
— Melissa Kae Mason, MoonCat! © Mother Tongue Ink 2011
Last year you learned the power of choosing to be in the moment, making decisive decisions, and committing yourself to just doing what needs to be done. Congratulations! The ability to lunge at momentary opportunities is a key that will open the door to endless opportunities. There has been a longstanding demand for you to settle down, which can be scary and daunting. It requires a certain degree of conformity and with all the new knowledge that you’re developing it’s likely a struggle to find a home base.
Accept where you are right now and release the desire to create drastic change, unless you are convinced that a complete change is what you desire. If you spend this year unable to ground yourself it will be difficult to find your place. Focus on your fitness, develop a structured routine, and pay closer attention to your health. The most difficult part of taking care of yourself is starting, and then it becomes second nature.
Recognize that not every connection needs to turn into a commitment, and love does come with risks, and those risks should make sense. Remember the responsibility that comes with sustaining an intimate relationship. It’s not easy, but it can be meaningful.
—by Astrologer Six © Mother Tongue Ink 2022
from We’Moon 2023 p. 149
For My Mother by Penn King 2018
As Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces, exact in April, echoing throughout 2022, they challenge us to use our sensitivity, vision, and imagination to open a visionary portal, while at the same time staying grounded enough to not get lost, to stay present and use this vision wisely.
Scorpio: This could be a wildly inspired creative year—open to your muse, dance with the spirits, tap into the deeper resources within. Be careful to stay present in relationships; see what is actually occuring and not just what you long for or fear.
This new creative burst can lead to positive outcomes for health and work next year.
— Heather Roan Robbins © Mother Tongue Ink 2021
Solar and Lunar Eclipses that are Coming Up, and How They Influence Us
Use eclipse degrees in your birth chart to identify potential release points. Eclipses serve as catalysts for us to aspire to our destiny’s deeper calling. Use creative self-reflection to experience inner alignments and transmute the past into new sources of energy.
This article goes over all of the eclipses, both lunar and solar, for the year, their dates and times, and their specific, unique affects.
The year 2020 has been a rocky road for the whole year. What can we expect for 2021? Heather Roan Robbins has written the astrological prediction for our upcoming edition of We'Moon , where we have the entire article. Here is an excerpted sneak peek.....
Highlights of our desk top date book include information for every day:
Aries Horoscopes for Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Rising Sign:
"...As Spring persists, you will come into yourself: imperfections, inaccuracies, and iconic discoveries. Chin up, Aries. You have an incredible ability to rally. ..." —Monisha Holmes © Mother Tongue Ink 2024
Taurus Horoscopes for Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Rising Sign. What does the year hold for you, Taurus?
"The world around you changes, grows, and evolves with each inhale and exhale you take. Lean into the possibilities of what could be, rather than becoming fixated on what is not. You halt your development when you become entrapped by expectations..."
excerpt by Monisha Holmes© Mother Tongue Ink 2024
from We’Moon 2025
Gemini Horoscopes for Sun Sign, Moon Sign, and Rising. The Sun enters Gemini on May 20th. What does the year have in store for you?