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An Open Call for Submissions | How to Contribute Art and Writing


We are accepting submissions
for We'Moon 2027!

Final due date: August 1, 2025
Note: It is too late to submit for We'Moon 2026

We'Moon is like a combination literary journal, art magazine, and poetry digest all rolled into one. We would be delighted to consider your creative contributions for upcoming editions of We'Moon. 

The Call for Contributions is downloadable, and contains complete instructions about how to submit your work for possible publication in the next edition of We'Moon. (La Llamada tambien es disponible en Español)

We accept submissions of art and writing via email or snail mail!

The instructions for sending in your creative work via snail mail are slightly different than for submitting through email. Please only send your work through EITHER email OR snail mail. Pick one, not both.

Carrie Martinez Art, Full Moon circle rituals

Sister Circle © Carrie Martinez 2017


Our submissions process is accessible and we never charge a jury or entry fee. 

Our objective is to make the process of getting your work into our hands as easy as possible. If you need assistance, call or email. We will be happy to help.

 What you will find in this post:

 Penn-King-For My Mother-fortune-teller-art
For My Mother © Penn King 2018

What is We'Moon? 

A poetry and art journal? An inspirational day planner? An ever-renewing collection of creative feminist work that thousands of women look forward to every year!

 "We’Moon is a unique datebook...It’s also a book of devotions: sacred space where women share written and artistic inspirations from their life-experiences, their love and concern for the world, their delight at saying Goddess! out loud as a name for divine energy."

~from an interview of Bethroot Gwynn, We'Moon Special Editor, titled 
The Magic Behind the Veil of Production!
Francene Hart, Love Thy Neighbor  Mandala Art, love art

We'Moon has proudly published works of art and poetry by:

Autumn Skye, Emily Balivet, Saba Taj, Gaia Orion, Jakki MooreLeah Dorion and Qutress! Writers include, Oak Chezar, Naima Penniman of ClimbingPoeTree, Joanne M. Clarkson, Rose FlintToko-pa Turner and many more!

We'd love to see your work grace the pages of the next edition of We'Moon, too.

Contributions from many women from all walks of life is what makes We'Moon so very special to thousands of women. Visit our resources page for more links and bios of women who have been published in We'Moon in the past! 

How we jury the art and writing that is submitted to We'Moon:

Each piece of art and writing is circulated at Selection Circles where hundreds of women give us their opinions about the submitted works. If you are interested in joining a virtual Selection Circle, sign up for alerts via our newsletter. Our jury process is quite complicated which makes following the submission guidelines important!

By crowdsourcing our jury process, we get to bring the opinions of hundreds of other women into the production process. We bring to the foreground the most well-loved work, and those are the pieces we work with, primarily, during the creation of We'Moon in our small group process.

Instructions and Guidelines for Email Submissions:

We do not consider work that does not meet our guidelines, so read through these instructions carefully. 

We do accept submissions that are being reviewed simultaneously by other publishers. 

Step by step instructions about how to submit your poetry, short creative writing, and art for possible publication in our next edition:


  1. Complete & Sign a License 

  2. Prepare files of your Art and/or Writing submissions

  3. Send them as attachments to MotherTongue Email


    KT InfiniteArt, Nagakanya Artist at work, Black woman art, afro art, natural hair art,
    Nagakanya: Artist at Work © KT InfiniteArt 2018

    1. Complete a License 

    The Call for Contributions contains the license for all artists and writers to fill out and send in with the submissions. NOTE: Submissions will not be processed without a completed & signed license. 
    If you find this form daunting, you are not alone. Here's a how-to video about how to complete a license. (Passcode: @DhD&Yz3)
    Please call or email, and we will happily assist you. 

    • Download the License and save the document using this format: YOUR NAME License (example: Frida Kahlo License). 
    • Open the license using a program like Acrobat or Preview and fill it out. (Alternatively, this document can be printed and filled out by hand. Take a photo of the license or scan it. Name the file with the correct name, and attach it to the email.)
    • Make sure to completely fill out & sign*** the license. An incomplete license may result in your submission not being accepted for consideration. 
    • If you would prefer a more old-school method, you are welcome to send your submission by snail mail instead. Click HERE for those instructions. 


    ***Note: If you are unable to sign the license electronically, don't panic!

    This is a common issue. We can accept your written permission in the body of the email containing your license. Example: 
    I (your name) give permission to We'Moon to publish my work. This is my electronic signature."

    2. Prepare your files for email!

    • Here's a how-to video about how to prepare your files. (Passcode: @DhD&Yz3)
    • Each piece should be in its OWN file with its OWN file name. Note: We will not accept submissions that do not have a file name.
    • File names should include the TITLE of the piece, CREDIT NAME (your name as you would like it published) & the credit YEAR (the year you created the piece. (example file name: Self Portrait-Frida Kahlo-1940.PDF)
    • Formats we accept are: PDF, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, DOC, DOCX. We do not accept .exec files, google drive, or dropbox submissions.
    • For Artwork: Please keep your file size down to 1 MB or less. If your work is chosen for publication, we will contact you to request a higher resolution digital file. 
    • For Photography: If you are submitting photography that contains a recognizable human subject or model, you will need to send in a release form for each individual in the photo. (exception: self portraits do not require a special release.)
    • For Writing: Limit Prose to 350 words maximum. Poetry should not exceed 35 lines (12± words per line). Limit your written word submissions to one side of one page. If you are not able to comfortably format it onto one single page, it is too long to submit. Please edit or excerpt it for our consideration.


      3. Send it on in! 

      • Attach up to 6 different pieces of writing, or 8 pieces of art into an email to MotherTongue
      • Remember to include your fully completed and signed license
      • Add "We'Moon Submission" to your subject line
      • Click send and jump for joy!


      We will contact you in the Spring to let you know whether or not your work has been selected for publication.


        Final due date by: August 1, 2025 

        Fancy-Shawl-Dancer art at-Sac-and-Fox-PowWow-©-Barbara-Landis-2008
        Fancy Shawl Dancer at Sac and Fox PowWow © Barbara Landis 2008


        Who is invited to submit their
        art or writing to We'Moon?

        We encourage women from all walks of life to take part in helping We’Moon weave a rich and varied tapestry. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to connect with us! We’Moon does not support or condone cultural appropriation. We do not knowingly publish oppressive or appropriative content of any kind. We invite you to share your work with respect for both cultural integrity and creative inspiration.

        We invite all women to share their poetry, art, and creative writing.  

        We seek to make We’Moon a safe and welcoming space for all women, including those from international women's cultures, women of color (WOC) and others marginalized by the mainstream, e.g., lesbian, non-binary, transgender, genderqueer, etc. 

        We'Moon is dedicated to amplifying images and writing from women with diverse perspectives and is committed to minority inclusion.

        We seek to hold welcoming, celebratory space for all women, and are eager to publish more works depicting Black, Brown, Indigenous, Asian, Latine, and all voices from the margins, created by women who share those lived experiences.


        Compensation Information:

        • Product compensation for each published piece of art or writing is two complimentary We’Moon datebooks.
        • Small honorariums will be given for each published piece. The dollar amount will depend on size and placement.
        • All published contributors will get a 40% discount off the purchase price of additional We’Moon products which include their work, if they wish to purchase additional copies.
        • In addition, the front cover artist will receive $500, the back cover artist $350, plus extras.
        • Work published in the datebook may also be included in We’Moon on the Wall and/or Greeting Cards, with additional terms and compensation.


        Now accepting Art and Writing Sumbissions

        Illuminated Manuscript 

        © Bethany Moore 2022


                Thematic Inspiration


                These past four years we have based We’Moon's theme on the first phases of the Lunar Cycle . . and now at its Waning Phase . . . It is time to celebrate all that has been accomplished!

                The 2027 datebook theme is Over the Moon
                We draw inspiration from the Waning Gibbous Moon.

                For We’Moon 2027 we call on the Waning Gibbous Moon to be our guiding light. Under her still-bright-glow, we enter a sacred phase of harvest and reflection, gathering the wisdom that the full moon illuminated. Her softening glow reminds us to trust in the natural cycles of release and renewal, even as the letting go can sometimes be painful.

                 In this liminal space, we dip our toes into the mysterious shadow realms in search of guidance from within and without— this is a time to meditate, pull tarot cards, reflect on dreams, and attune to the subtle whispers of the unseen.

                Transformation stirs beneath the surface—in the quiet hum of the cosmos, endings are honored as sacred passages, preludes to new beginnings. 

                 Give in to the revelry that the freshly waning moon invites—celebrate, do, for all that's been accomplished! We are Over the Moon with gratitude! But stay tethered to your grounded Mother Earth, for She is a wellspring of resilience, patience, and stability that we will need during this paradigm shift. For 2027, let's dive deep into this phase of ripening wisdom and prepare for the next chapter that is ready to unfold. Out of chaos, creativity is a beacon.

                Show us what stirs for you
                as the Moon begins to share
                Her hidden treasures!

                Calling all creatives to share your art and poetry for publication

                Dawn © Dorrie Joy 2019


                O Luna!
                Full is Over, Round is Waning
                Shadow softly curves her veil of promise.
                O Changing Face of Radiance, blazing bright in black sky,
                a tilt of Dark perched on your once-round edge.
                Sky Chameleon, gently changing, phase after phase
                Letting go, nurturing subtle, deep lessons of Shade.
                Welcome Hecate, Dark Entrancing Mother,
                Guide us to your threshold ‘twixt Was and Will Be.
                Sophia, Wisdom Moon of Insight:
                We see less of you, more of us.

                 Come, All You Moon Savvy Goddesses:
                Sarasvati, Metis, Nephthys—Take us over the top,
                and below, to enter your secrets.
                Ereshkigal, Ah! You release us now to study The Hidden.
                We surrender: the visible human world can break our hearts.
                Succor us with The Unseen.
                Demeter, Harvest Mother, we are over the Moon!
                We praise your fruiting mysteries, abundant revelations.
                Go Ahead, Gibbous Moon: Lead us on your journey!
                © Bethroot Gwynn 2025

                The sky is the limit when you submit art to We'Moon

                Moonlit © Brittany S. Paynter 2020

                Questions to inspire you as
                you consider work that you would like to submit:

                • What insights are ripening within you? How are changes in the world inviting personal transformation? Are there lessons from this lunar cycle you want to share with us? How do we honor both the light and shadow of our learnings?
                • What can we release to make room for what's next? How can we engage with the dynamic tension between holding on and letting go? What does it mean to surrender with trust rather than fear? How can our practices of release serve personal and collective healing?
                • What grassroots movements and creative acts of resistance are inspiring your appreciation in this time of political and environmental upheaval? What can we learn from the seasons and cycles about sustainable activism? How do we balance the need for action with the imperative for restoration?
                • Where do you go for comfort, joy, hope? What does your body's wisdom tell you about change and resilience? What guidance do you receive and offer within community?
                • How do we stay centered when the world feels unstable? What does it mean to "trust the process"? What practices help us transform crisis into opportunity? What small daily actions help you feel grounded and hopeful? What big imaginings lift your spirits?
                • What gifts of advice and affirmation appear as light and dark do their dance with possibility? Listen to earth, sky, water, creature, friend—and Moon! What marvels of word and image do you want to share with the world?


                Thank you for sharing your creative work with We'Moon. May the light of the Muses shine brightly for you.—Blessings!


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