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What is We'Moon? More than an Astrological Calendar!

It’s a way of life!

We’Moon is a lunar calendar, a handbook in natural rhythms,
and a collaboration of international women's cultures. 

Beautiful Moon woman Art by Maria Kay Simms Illumination

We'Moon is an astrological planner complete with moon signs and phases.
A calendar filled with beautiful and inspiring art and writing.

Art and writing by women from many lands...

...give a glimpse of the great diversity and uniqueness of a world we create in our own images. We’Moon is about womyn’s spirituality (spirit-reality). We share how we live our truths, what inspires us, and our connection with the whole Earth and all our relations. Visit our LINKS PAGE to connect with the many artists and writers who's work has been published in We'Moon.

We are truly a collaborative community of world wide women that produces We'Moon! 

Each year we receive thousands of pieces from women and jury each one as a community. Want to learn more out how to get involved? Sign up for our newsletters and join our virtual selection circles!  

Enjoy this unboxing of We'Moon 2023 by Molly Remer:


A well-spring of daily inspiration and empowering words for women

We’Moon is dedicated to amplifying the images and voices of women from many perspectives and cultures.

We are fully aware that we live in a racist patriarchal society. Its influences have permeated every aspect of society, including the very liberation movements committed to ending oppression. Feminism is no exception—historically and presently dominated by white, mainstream women's priorities and experiences.

We seek to counter these influences in our work. Most of us in our staff group are lesbian or queer—we live outside of the norm. At the same time, we are mostly womyn who benefit from white privilege. We seek to make We’Moon a safe and welcoming space for all women, including those from international women's cultures, women of color (WOC) and others marginalized by the mainstream, e.g., lesbian, non-binary, transgender, genderqueer, etc.

Now accepting submissions of art and writing

We'Moon is dedicated to amplifying images and writing from women with diverse perspectives and is committed to minority inclusion. We seek to hold welcoming, celebratory space for all women, and are eager to publish more works depicting Black, Brown, Indigenous, Asian, Latine, and all voices from the margins, created by women who share those lived experiences.
Learn more about how to submit your creative work, here.

We’Moon culture exists in the diversity and oneness of our experiences as women.

We honor both. We come from many different ways of life. At the same time, as wemoon, we share a common mother root. As makers of We’Moon, we are delighted when wemoon from varied backgrounds contribute art and writing. We’Moon does not support or condone cultural appropriation. We do not knowingly publish oppressive or appropriative content of any kind. We invite you to share your work with respect for both cultural integrity and creative inspiration.

Amaterasu by Hrana Janto Sun Goddess artAmaterasu © Hrana Janto 1991

Follow the cycles of the seasons and plan by the moon! We'Moon offers seasonal writers for each of the 8 pagan wiccan holidays!

Holy Day writings from featured writers offer insight into each pagan tradition and words of wisdom. If Mother Earth needed a calendar, She'd use We'Moon!

The seasonal cycle of the year is created by Earth’s annual orbit around the Sun.
Solstices are the extreme points as Earth’s axis tilts toward or away from the sun—when days and nights are longest or shortest. On equinoxes, days and nights are equal in all parts of the world. Four cross-quarter days roughly mark the midpoints in between solstices and equinoxes.

We commemorate these natural turning points in the Earth’s cycle. Seasonal celebrations of most cultures cluster around these same natural turning points. Read more about Pagan Holidays and Traditions on our blog

A Witches Almanac made by Women for Women!

The datebook is filled with astrological information and guidance for the entire year! Learn to read an Ephemeris, and follow the planets through their orbits with astrological data for each day. 

What does We'Moon Mean?

Wemoon means “we of the moon.”

The Moon, whose cycles run in our blood, is the original women’s calendar. We use the word “wemoon” to define ourselves by our primary relation to the cosmic flow, instead of defining ourselves in relation to men (as in woman or female). We’Moon is sacred space in which to explore and celebrate the diversity of she-ness on Earth. We’Moon is created by, for and about womyn: in our image.

Lunar Rhythms:

Everything that flows moves in rhythm with the Moon. She rules the water element on Earth. She pulls on the ocean’s tides, the weather, female reproductive cycles and the life fluids in plants, animals and people. She influences the underground currents in earth energy, the mood swings of mind, body, behavior and emotion. The Moon’s phases reflect her dance with Sun and Earth, her closest relatives in the sky. Together, these three heavenly bodies weave the web of light and dark into our lives.

Gaia Rhythms:

We show the natural cycles of the Moon, Sun, planets and stars as they relate to Earth. By recording our own activities side by side with those of other heavenly bodies, we may notice what connection, if any, there is for us.

The Earth revolves around her axis in one day; the Moon orbits around the Earth in one month (291/2 days); the Earth orbits around the Sun in one year. We experience each of these cycles in the alternating rhythms of day and night, waxing and waning, summer and winter. The Earth/Moon/Sun are our inner circle of kin in the universe. We know where we are in relation to them at all times by the dance of light and shadow as they circle around one another.

The Eyes of Heaven:

As seen from Earth, the Moon and the Sun are equal in size: “the left and right eye of heaven,” according to Hindu (Eastern) astrology.

Unlike the solar-dominated calendars of Christian (Western) patriarchy, the We’Moon looks at our experience through both eyes at once.

The lunar eye of heaven is seen each day in the phases of the Moon as she is both reflector and shadow, traveling her 291/2-day path through the zodiac. The solar eye of heaven is apparent at the turning points in the Sun’s cycle.

The year begins with Winter Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere), the dark renewal time, and journeys through the full cycle of seasons and balance points (solstices, equinoxes and the cross-quarter days in between).

The third eye of heaven may be seen in the stars. Astrology measures the cycles by relating the Sun, Moon and all other planets in our universe through the backdrop of star signs (the zodiac), helping us to tell time in the larger cycles of the universe.

Measuring Time and Space:

Imagine a clock with many hands. The Earth is the center from which we view our universe. The Sun, Moon and planets are like the hands of the clock. Each one has its own rate of movement through the cycle.

The ecliptic, a 17° band of sky around the earth within which all planets have their orbits, is the outer band of the clock where the numbers are. Stars along the ecliptic are grouped into constellations forming the signs of the zodiac—the twelve star signs are like the twelve numbers of the clock. They mark the movements of the planets through the 360˚ circle of the sky, the clock of time and space.

Whole Earth Perspective:

It is important to note that all natural cycles have a mirror image from a whole earth perspective—seasons occur at opposite times in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, and day and night are at opposite times on opposite sides of the Earth as well.

Even the Moon plays this game—a waxing crescent moon in Australia faces right (e.g. ), while in North America it faces left (e.g. ). We’Moon uses a Northern Hemisphere perspective regarding times, holy days, seasons and lunar phases.

We’moon who live in the Southern hemisphere may want to transpose descriptions of the holy days to match seasons in their area. We honor a whole earth cultural perspective by including, among the four rotating languages for the days of the week, two from the Southern Hemisphere: Swahili (a pan-African language spoken primarily in East Africa) and Quechua (the most common Amerindian language, spoken primarily in the Andes).

Whole Sky Perspective:

It is also important to note that all over the Earth, in varied cultures and times, the dome of the sky has been interacted with in countless ways. The zodiac we speak of is just one of many ways that hu-moons have pictured and related to the stars. In this calendar, we use the tropical zodiac.

New to We'Moon? Here are some highlights about our astrological and moon phase planner / calendar:

  • Astrological data in PST
  • Moon phases depicted for every day
  • Notation of when the moon changes signs
  • Void of Course Moon date, time and aspects
  • Notation of when the Sun changes signs
  • Astrological predictions for every sun sign in the zodiac
  • Holiday / Holy Day writings about each of the wiccan / pagan celebrations days
  • Over 100 images of fabulous feminist art and over 100 righteous writings by amazing poets and storytellers. All of these works are submitted by women from all over the world.
  • The planner is laid out in a week-at-a-glance format
  • Month-at-a-glance moon phase calendar pages in the appendix
  • year-at-a-glance calendars with full and new moons for both the current and following year, so you can schedule your full and new moon circles well in advance.
  • Bylines for the hundreds of contributors whose work is included in the day planner.
  • Information about how you can contribute your creative work for possible publication
  • Intro articles about astrology, Chinese astrology, herbs, the wiccan / pagan holidays, eclipses and mercury retrogrades that are coming up for the year, and more.
  • Appendix articles on how to understand the various influences of the planets and signs, a veritable feast of Astrology 101
    ...And So much more!

      We offer our best selling day-runner style date book in a variety of binding options:

      • Double-O Metal Spiral

      This is by far our most popular style. It is sturdy and can hold up under heavy daily use. you can flip the book open on any page, and it lays flat. The metal spiral has plenty of room to hold a pen for handy access.

      • Paperback

      The content in the paperback version is exactly the same as the spiral bound. The only difference is that the paperback is bound with a flat, fabric binding. It looks very much like your standard paperback book, so that when you put it on a shelf, the title is visible on the cloth binding.

      This style is popular with our long-time We'Moon devotees. We've heard stories from We'Moon fans about how many datebooks they have lined up on the shelves, and about how they first began using We'Moon back in the 80s, when they were the tiny-sized, hand drawn pocket calendars. (You can read about We'Moon's Her-Story in our 30-year anthology: In the Spirit of We'Moon)

      The paper-back style is also popular with some students and other folx who carry their day planner in a bag. Word is, the spirals tend to catch on backpacks more easily. The paper-back version solves that annoying problem.

      • Un-Bound

      This version sparks the most curiosity. Why would anybody want an unbound, loose leaf book?! Well, let me tell you: 

      This version of our best-selling desk calendar is popular with:

      • massage therapists
      • yoga instructors
      • midwives
      • students
      • hairdressers
      • acupuncturists
      • herbalists
      • anybody with a busy schedule

      Folks that use the un-bound version punch holes in the pages so they line up with their standard day-runner binder rings. They can then intersperse standard day-at-a-glance planner refill pages in to the pages of We'Moon. You get the best of both worlds! A calendar that keeps you organized and on time, in a book full of colorful, gorgeous art and inspiring writings, astrological and lunar guidance, and a feeling of camaraderie and community with other We'Moon users.