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Astrology Connection: Weekly Predictions for the Week Ahead

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Every week, we post the Starcodes by our regular We'Moon contributing astrologer, Heather Roan Robbins. If you'd like to get these insightful updates delivered to your inbox every Saturday, sign up for our newsletter and never miss a post! 


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Weekly Starcodes—Planetary Aspect Interpretations & Predictions

Heather Roan Robbins is a practical, intuitive, choice-oriented astrologer, writer, celebrant, and spiritual counselor. Active for 30 plus years, she practices in St. Paul, Santa Fe, and New York City - 914.315.5001 Email Heather.

Starcodes for this week

  Make it a Meditation

Find a good use for irritation, let it propel good works and creative solutions, or at least a good walk around the block.

Underneath a few creative and inspiring aspects, the past speaks to us this week, old confrontations or complaints, ongoing struggles or unfulfilled ambitions- both small and large -could call for our heroic behavior. It can be more of a challenge to treasure our beloveds, easier to speak of our irritations, easier to be painfully aware of the problems in our life. It can also be easier to try to rally the voters against than it is to speak of a vision for improvement.

Some contests, campaigns, or confrontations, particularly ones with old or long history, old scars, activate this week as a lingering square between Sun and Mars begins to talk to Pluto, while the Sun squares Pluto on Tuesday and then joins Mercury in Mars- ruled Scorpio. This martial energy resonates as Mars approaches an opposition to Pluto on November 3rd, right before the November election. But we can steer this boat, we can consciously choose to direct this energy and look for the opportunities, beauty, the potential in the person or situation, and help that grow.

Mars loans us energy, if not patience, heroism and courage, endurance, if a tendency to act first and then think out the consequence. Pluto encourages us to ask what is the right use of power and empowerment, what really matters to us in the face of life and death, and not as a rhetorical question, it really wants us to look, to make it a meditation.

weaving the tapestry of future predictionsWeaver © Colleen Clifford 2022

 Use Grace to Bring Ingenuity

Mars loans us energy, if not patience, heroism and courage, endurance, if a tendency to act first and then think out the consequence. Pluto encourages us to ask what is the right use of power and empowerment, what really matters to us in the face of life and death, and not as a rhetorical question, it really wants us to look, to make it a meditation.

This discontent can settle into our bodies as that Sun, Mars, Pluto t-square tags the health oriented asteroid Hygeia this week to form a grand square. Notice health issues in the news and in the wake of recent disasters. Don’t hold on to the discomfort this can bring, Shake it out of the body, throw some muscles and or resources into work to improve the situation.

Communicative Mercury is now in Scorpio, so our anxiety or irritation can easily come out our mouth and we can sound short, curt, disrespectful or critical, whether or not we intend it. This can quickly set off our defenses with Mars now in self-protective Cancer. So before speaking brusquely, even if the people around deserve it, ask if it will further. Manage anxiety another way.

As a saving grace, Venus now in Sagittarius infuses a glimmer of humor, adaptability of spirit and a positive belief in the potential of the future. We don’t need to get stuck in those past stories no matter how they grab us.  This Venus helps us do right by the emergencies that show up, and to search for new solutions. Honesty activates this Venus- an honest and curious assessment of the situation, honesty about our feelings and what we perceive.

Over this weekend the Sun forms a yod with two quincunx, one to Uranus and one to Neptune, which can add to the irritation but takes that discontent down to our metaphysical sense and asks us to walk our talk, bring our spirituality in to our daily life, rather than just sit on the sidelines and critique.

Ingenuity and intuition are spurred on in the later half of the week as Mercury quintiles Pluto and sextiles Jupiter.  We can just take a deep breath, if that is what we need, or use grace to bring that ingenuity to our less urgent but more important work.

 Day By Day:  

Starcodes are in Mountain time.
Click here to calculate for your time zone.

Friday, October 18: Mixed feelings and real resistance to being hurried can complicate our morning. Pacing and timing matter. Engage a cuddly streak under a coziness-loving Taurus Moon and slow down enough to enjoy the senses, and get grounded; note the autumnal sky and this bittersweet moment of fall while keeping a steady pace towards the day’s goals. More complex and nervy questions arise tonight as the Sun quincunx Uranus just after midnight, restlessness can bring a need to stay occupied while the subconscious mulls deeper issues or get involved in and effort to make good things happen.

Moon opposed Mercury 1:14 AM MDT, Moon sextile Saturn 11:12 AM.

Saturday, October 19:  Check the landscape this morning for overnight changes, shifts in opinions or priorities as the Moon conjuncts change-encouraging Uranus. Midday brings a potentially productive and peaceful pace in a disjointed week, with steady rhythms in the morning and intriguing conversation this afternoon as the Moon heads into talkative Gemini. Social discontent can keep us moving, the mood is better for quips and sound bites, and good quick questions, than depth tonight as the Moon opposes Venus, just be careful not to reduce real feelings to just a meme. Though the memes and reels will gleefully proliferate.

Sun quincunx Uranus 12:40 AM MDT, Moon sextile Mars 3:59 AM, Moon conjunct Uranus 8:10 AM, Moon sextile Neptune 10:27 AM, Moon trine Pluto 1:33 PM, Moon enters Gemini 2:07 PM, Moon opposed Venus 6:30 PM.

Sunday, October 20: Information seems a pace behind, off the mark, our thinking one step behind or to the side this morning as the Sun quincunx Neptune. Rumors and water or spilled liquids can be problematic so watch the weather and coffee near the keyboard. Tap into the positive Neptune in imagination and spiritual sensitivity. Some people need to process politics tonight as the Moon squares Saturn and conjuncts Jupiter. Late tonight watch the Moon and Jupiter rise together, exact early tomorrow morning, and let it create room within.

Moon semi-square Mars 5:23 AM MDT, Sun quincunx Neptune 9:44 AM, Moon square Saturn 12:07 PM. 

Beautiful Moonbow art

Moonbow © Pearl Coburn 2019  

Monday, October 21: Make the calls, have the meetings this morning, some opportunities shook loose last night as the Moon conjunct Jupiter- look for one nearby. The situation could become less clear midday as the Moon squares Neptune, and more self- protective this evening as the Moon enters Cancer—self-care and nurturance tonight.

Moon conjunct Jupiter 1:24 AM MDT, Moon square Neptune 12:50 PM, Moon trine Sun 2:59 PM, Moon enters Cancer 4:49 PM.

Tuesday, October 22: Take things seriously, but not so personally, as the Sun squares Pluto and enters Scorpio-while Mercury trines serious and competence-encouraging Saturn. The storm is not for us alone, look at the big cultural and political context that provides the backdrop for our individual dilemmas, and know we are all dealing with these stressors. Halloween feels closer, so does election day, all the big scary events.

Mercury trine Saturn 12:34 AM MDT, Sun square Pluto 8:15 AM, Sun enters Scorpio 4:14 PM, Moon square Saturn 4:16 PM, Moon square Mercury 6:21 PM.

Wednesday, October 23: Intuition flows today; we can feel permeable, but choose carefully what we pick up if we pay attention and filter what we absorb. Follow the leads, intuitive hits about the people in the surroundings, and psychic red flags, then look for practical corroboration.  Use the internal scanners and ask what could help create dynamic safety, what creates a healthy path forward. Notice a need for attention tonight, skip the fight and trade off being the center focus as the Moon opposes Pluto then enters Leo. 

Moon conjunct Mars 3:19 PM MDT, Moon sextile Uranus 4:16 PM, Moon trine Neptune 7 PM, Moon opposed Pluto 10:47 PM, Moon enters Leo 11:23 PM.

Thursday, Oct 24: Necessity is the parent of invention this morning as Mercury quintiles Pluto and sextiles Jupiter. Don’t get stuck at a conundrum or with tough news, let it spur an ingenious leap forward. There’s no need to dramatize the situation; be honest about feelings, that will be enough. Steadiness further. Tap into generosity but with eyes wide open about other people’s realities; ask rather than assume what would be helpful.

Mercury quintile Pluto 12:16 Am MDT, Moon square Mercury 10:41 AM, Mercury sextile Jupiter 3:41 PM.

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 Starcodes from the previous week

Speak Up and Embrace the Challenge

For the next few weeks, Mars challenges us to find a good use of its energy. The Sun squares Mars this Monday though we’ll feel this is aspect cooking behind all the other transits. Then Mars approaches an opposition to intensifying Pluto two days before our national election.

Mars wants action, we need to make it considered action. If we don’t like where the furniture is, move it. If we don’t like the candidates, work on the vote. If we see people that need rescuing, dive in to help use that heroic Mars nature. Launch that new enterprise where the plan is clear, take on the competition, and protest where there’s something to protest. Clarify desires and boundaries. Have an adventure, just pay attention to safety. 

Conversely, if we feel ourselves just getting irritated in a conversation, it furthers us to step away rather than engage in a fight. Wars and storms start easily under these Mars aspects. Notice when hackles are up, and step away until they calm down to productively handle the situation. If we feel that irritation deep in our gut, the sign cancer does rule the stomach, we need to be direct about the problem rather than back into passive-aggressive behavior. Let’s be clear about what we want rather than hammer on about what we don’t want. 

Pink Starfish art to guide your astrological journey

Pink Starfish & Her Bubble © Shelley Irish 2013

Channel Strong and Heroic Mars Energy

Instead of aggressive Mars energy, we can engage its heroism, defense, expression, and protection natural to Mars in Cancer. This Mars energy builds up through Thursday when the full Moon in Aries forms a grand square with Sun in Libra, Mars in Cancer, and Pluto in Capricorn, and lingers through early November.

Friday opens under a competent Capricorn moon which helps us finish up the week’s work. The weekend begins with the Sun and Mercury in open-minded, Venus-ruled Libra, a good time to speak from the heart and connect sociably. Pluto turns direct after a long retrograde, watch the world’s power dynamics; secret plots could be revealed, but also some transformative processes stuck on hold for the last few months now turn forward. 

Prioritize community through the weekend under a sociable, collaborative, but not-so-intimate Aquarius Moon. Feel a shift in the mood on Sunday as Mercury enters laser-like Scorpio and the Moon enters sensitive Pisces. Our intuition is strong, and communication runs deep underneath the words, but our words may be less eloquent. Halloween will now seem more plausible, and political rhetoric sharpens its claws.

Thursday brings one of the wilder full Moons of the year, the full moon in Aries, just as Venus enters expansive Sagittarius. Both call us to move forward, never backward. 

Day By Day:

Starcodes are in Mountain Time.
Click here to calculate for your time zone. 

Friday, October 11: Attend important work early on while the Moon is still in competent Capricorn. Work through a tough moment, a logistical or emotional challenge, late morning as the Moon conjuncts Pluto. People grow more helpful midday as the Moon enters collaborative Aquarius and brings a shift in the wind. Don’t buy into ambient anxiety as plans change or people bring their challenging perspective as Mercury quincunx Uranus. Pluto leaves its long retrograde and turns direct bringing a shift in power dynamics. We get a chance to see what’s been hidden or internalized. These patterns can be sorted out fairly easily if we stay alert, pay attention, and roll with changing circumstances. 

Capricorn Moon square Mercury 3:35 AM MDT, Moon trine Uranus 4:31 AM, Moon sextile Neptune 6:54 AM, Moon conjunct Pluto 9:53 AM, Moon enters Aquarius 10:31 AM, Mercury quincunx Uranus 11:10 AM, Pluto turns direct 6:31 PM.

Saturday, October 12: Morning brings elements of confusion or uncertainty as Mercury quincunx confusing Neptune, so make sure everyone is on the same page. All our concerns need to be heard but they may be more passing ghosts of old issues than this moment’s truth as Jupiter sextiles Chiron. In the afternoon and evening, we can engage the healing power of community and family as the Moon forms a grand trine in communicative air signs with the Sun in Libra and Jupiter in Gemini. We know there’s work to do, but now it’s time to share hopes and dreams for the future. 

Jupiter sextile Chiron 1:33 AM MDT, Mercury quincunx Neptune 6:41 AM, Moon trine Sun 9:39 PM, Moon trine Jupiter 11:21 PM.

Sunday, October 13: The day starts heavy and ends on a lighter note. Morning could bring heavy work, news, or clean up from the weekend as mental Mercury squares intense Pluto and then enters brooding, focused Scorpio. We may talk less but need a deeper discussion, try to understand the roots of a problem, or need time alone. All-too-familiar emotional patterns surface to be healed or changed into a different riff this time as the Sun opposes Chiron and then trines Jupiter tonight. Enjoy a passing lucky moment, but don’t take it for granted.

Moon trine Venus 5:08 AM MDT, Mercury square Pluto 8:02 AM, Moon square Uranus 8:10 AM, Mercury enters Scorpio 1:23 PM, Moon enters Pisces 1:55 PM, Moon trine Mercury 1:59 PM, Mars squares Chiron 2:36 PM, Sun opposed Chiron 8:28 PM, Sun trine Jupiter 9:52 PM.

Beautiful cosmic art for your astrology trip

Purple Sunrise ¤ Koco Collab 2020    

Monday, October 14: It’s a day of contradictions, we can be sensitive but restless, loving but easily irritated, or accident-prone. Get going, get a move on, take a break, change the subject, change the scenery. Although what is deeply familiar is probably not the problem, we can push against it. Don’t try to fix what’s not broken nor throw out what is salvageable; feel the need for a change but add in new material rather than replace dear connections. When things get in our way, we can get abrupt and klutzy as the Sun squares Mars and Venus opposes Uranus. The answer is most likely found in the next mile ahead. 

Sun squares Mars 2:15 AM MDT, Moon conjunct Saturn 12:08 PM, Venus opposed Uranus 4:21 PM.

Tuesday, October 15: Kindness and empathy can form miracles as the sensitivity-inducing Pisces Moon conjuncts Neptune and both trine Venus. Even with a full heart, don’t assume what another person needs; drop assumptions and ask. If we feel safe in our vulnerability, a new bond forms. If we feel unsafe, we can impulsively push far away this afternoon as the Moon enters independent, impulsive Aries. That Aries Moon can either make us feel rebellious about our vulnerability feelings or help us pour energy into our creative and compassionate endeavors.

Moon square Jupiter 12:37 AM MDT, Moon trine Mars 10:40 AM, Moon sextile Uranus 8:58 AM, Moon trine Venus 10:28 AM, Moon conjunct Neptune 11:09 AM, Moon sextile Pluto 2:00 PM, Moon enters Aries 2:34 PM, Venus trine Neptune 6:49 PM.

Wednesday, October 16: Our energy expands, our energy waxes as the Moon waxes full in Aries, exactly tomorrow morning. This Full Moon highlights any tension between our training to be nice, peaceful, and tactful- versus our desire for transformation, revolution, and the desire to follow our inner spark, between our desire for relationship and our independence. Let’s look for a tactful way to be fully alive and fully ourselves. Listen to those impulses and instinctual drives but keep a five-second lead on them and weigh the consequences. Tonight, we can feel both tired and restlessly wired; be good to one another on this wild full Moon.

Moon conjunct Chiron 11:56 PM MDT.

Thursday, October 17: Expect some of every feeling. We can feel frayed like we’re crashing from too much coffee this morning after that Aries full Moon at 5:26 AM. We love, hate, draw people close, and push them away as the Sun in Libra opposes the Moon in Aries and both square Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn, a grand square in cardinal signs. Some heart-heaviness begins to lighten as Venus enters Sagittarius later. It can be easy to be annoyed by people who seem to stay in an emotionally stuck place, though they don’t need us to push them farther; be patient and let this Venus offer the nudge. Changes will be launched, so make them good ones. 

Moon sextile Jupiter 12:08 AM MDT, Moon square Mars 2:43 AM, Moon opposed the Sun 5:26 AM, Venus sextile Pluto 6:30 AM, Moon square Pluto 1:26 PM, Venus enters Sagittarius 1:28 PM, Moon enters Taurus 1:59 PM.

Astrology signs and symbols

Astrological Aspects and their meaning: 

  • Conjunction: Planets are 0-5 degrees apart. Linked together, energy is mutually enhancing
  • Opposition: Planets are 180 degrees apart. Polarizing or complementing, energies are diametrically opposite
  • Trine: Planets are 120 degrees apart. Harmonizing, energies of this aspect are in the same element
  • Square: Planets are 90 degrees apart. The challenging, energies of this aspect are different from each other
  • Sextile: Planets are 60 degrees apart. Cooperative, energies of this aspect blend well

Astrology Connection is brought to you by We'Moon, makers of the We'Moon Datebook and We'Moon on the Wallyour trusted source for astrological insights and lunar devotion—complete with art and poetry by women from around the world—for over 40 years.