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Astrology Connection: Weekly Predictions for the Week Ahead

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Every week, we post the Starcodes by our regular We'Moon contributing astrologer, Heather Roan Robbins. If you'd like to get these insightful updates delivered to your inbox every Saturday, sign up for our newsletter and never miss a post! 


photo of Heather Roan Robbins Popular Astrologer

Weekly Starcodes—Planetary Aspect Interpretations & Predictions

Heather Roan Robbins is a practical, intuitive, choice-oriented astrologer, writer, celebrant, and spiritual counselor. Active for 30 plus years, she practices in St. Paul, Santa Fe, and New York City - 914.315.5001 Email Heather.

Starcodes for this week

 Scattered Emotions Requires Grounding 

The stars deal us mixed instructions this week, hope and depression, midwinter blues laced with deep compassion, wild power dynamics, a sense of history, and an extra need for rest to handle our concerns for the world.

Monday brings both the presidential inauguration and Martin Luther King Day, a strangely ironic twist. The Sun enters Aquarius on Sunday, a sign of our collective community, and works towards a conjunction with transformative and powerful Pluto on Tuesday. This conjunction both reminds us of the deep transformation that MLK brought to our country and, at the birth of this next presidency, indicates we’ll be wrestling with Pluto questions this year. Who oppresses and who is oppressed, and how do we break out of this paradigm? What is important in the face of life and death? What is the difference between empowerment and power-over, what’s a good use of personal power, political power, or electrical-mechanical power? We’ll need to ponder these questions personally as well as through the headlines.

But first, on Friday we can feel scattered though feel work urgently needs doing as the editorial Virgo Moon forms a grand trine with the Capricorn Sun and Uranus in Taurus, bisected by a Sun-Mars opposition. Make progress where possible, stay safe, and don't take anxiety out on one another.  

Over the weekend we can feel sociably soft under a Libra Moon but could also feel a certain melancholic tiredness or depression as Venus conjuncts traditional Saturn in Pisces. Love can feel like extra work, though our hearts are empathetically warm. We could feel tired or burdened, discouraged by the world. It will help to do work with a purpose or let our creative process pour out. Work on beautiful old things, go antiquing. 


weaving the tapestry of future predictionsWeaver © Colleen Clifford 2022

Don't Rock the Boat: Act don't React

Venus conjunct Saturn can look good for the conservative party, a Venusian time for Saturnine people. But, in a less political form, it’s a good time to check in with old friends, love the people that have been there for us, and tap into the network of connections we've woven over the decades. 

On Monday, expect some internal conflicts. The Libra Moon asks us to not rock the boat, but that Sun-Pluto conjunction can demand what’s fair and equitable. Bring out the memory of Martin Luther King and call for us all to be judged only by the content of our character. 

Tuesday through Friday can be a truly challenging time: the Sun conjuncts Pluto under an obsessive, potentially vindictive Scorpio Moon- as Mercury opposes militant Mars and trines Uranus, while Mars and Uranus are sextile. We could see heroics and disasters, great changes and terrible ones. It's going to be important not to collapse into depression but to take a step forward. Find good things to concentrate upon and obsess in the best ways possible. Act rather than react.

On an odd health note, it furthers to take good care of our feet this week as Venus and Saturn conjunct in Pisces, the ruler of the feet. Practice foot reflexology, make sure shoes fit and socks are warm: this small bit of self-care can boost our health and grounding.

 Day By Day:  

Starcodes are in Mountain time.
Click here to calculate for your time zone. 


Friday, January 17: A soft aspect of compassion encourages us to get out of ourselves and help those feeling vulnerable as the Sun sextiles Neptune under an industrious Virgo Moon. Avoid the Virgo complaining or depression by channeling the Virgo healer. Engage important conversations midday as the Moon trines Mercury but become cautious about giving feedback mid-afternoon as the Moon opposes Venus; people will hear it as criticism. Around tea-time, decide what can be done now and what needs to wait as the Moon opposes Saturn. Tonight, stretch the persona with something out of the ordinary.

Sun sextile Neptune 4:19 AM, Moon square Jupiter 8:32 AM, Moon trine Mercury 12:27 PM, Moon opposed Venus 2:45 PM, Moon opposed Saturn 4:43 PM. 

Saturday, January 18: Connect to something of personal historical significance as Venus conjuncts Saturn under the healing Virgo Moon, feel the continuity of time. Connect with old friends or old interests, re-read a favorite book, repair an antique, and support people who have lost their personal history in recent disasters. This evening, step away from conflict and edges, we need peaceful beauty as the Moon enters Libra.

Moon trine Uranus 7:13 AM, Moon sextile Mars 10:52 AM, Moon trine Neptune 3:48 PM, Venus conjunct Saturn 626 PM, Moon trine Sun 7:01 PM, Moon enters Libra 8:32 PM, Moon trine Pluto 10:50 PM.

Sunday, January 19: In the short run, look close to home for nourishing moments, a moment of beauty, a tasty brunch, and camaraderie as the Libra Moon trines Jupiter. Deeper concerns brew behind this as the Sun enters Aquarius and approaches Pluto. Over the next few days, the Sun-Pluto conjunction investigates the use of power; look squarely and honestly at the moment but do not get lost in depressive or negative thinking. Instead, look for hope and sparks for the future.

Mercury sextile Saturn 12:37 AM, Mercury sextile Venus 9:31 AM, Sun enters Aquarius 12:59 PM, Moon trine Jupiter 8:05 PM.

Monday, January 20: After a few potentially irritable moments this morning as the Libra Moon squares Mercury, our casual interactions can be pleasant and supportive though big-picture concerns could weigh heavily as the Sun conjuncts Pluto in Aquarius. We assess the loss, whether in the fires or the field of politics or through a more personal event; let this inspire us to work together for good outcomes. Late evening, if our tails twitch or we want to rail against the world as the Moon squares Mars, vent carefully, not on the people nearby, and then reclaim a personal direction.

Moon square Mercury 9:22 AM, Moon square Mars 9:33 PM.


Beautiful Moonbow art

Moonbow © Pearl Coburn 2019  

Tuesday, January 21: Our situation gets real as the Sun conjuncts Pluto under the brooding, pointed Scorpio Moon. Major chess pieces move, and action follows tough words. Be careful not to take anger or frustration out on the easy people rather than the source of the problem. Be suspicious; watch for variations on the magic trick where attention is called in one direction, but the real action occurs elsewhere. Introspect, research, and ask good questions. We can use this intensity, to be honest about the problem and determine a road to repair or new understanding.

Mercury square Chiron 1:06 AM, Sun conjunct Pluto 5:28 AM, Moon enters Scorpio 9:19 AM, Moon square Pluto 12:50 PM, Moon square Sun 1:30 PM.

Wednesday, January 22: Emotions crank up and get smoky as the intense Scorpio Moon forms a grand trine in water signs with Venus and Saturn on one corner and Mars retrograde in Cancer on the other corner. It’s great if we’re professing love or creating from our hearts but can bring a strong emotional torque to all actions. We can pretend there’s logic behind it, but the motivations will be self-protection, sensitivity, compassion, ambition, resentment, or revenge. Let's be honest about our motivation and choose our actions carefully.

Venus semi-sextile Chiron 4:01 AM, Moon trine Saturn 6:38 PM.

Thursday, January 23: Watch what people do as well as what they say; both the words and actions speak volumes; they may not say the same thing but outline a map while Mercury opposes Mars and trines Uranus. Let's be honest with ourselves about our undercurrents of feelings but choose carefully what influences our intentions.  Then act on our words to plant good seeds for the future. Assess the situation with a broader perspective tonight as the Moon enters spacious Sagittarius.

Moon trine Venus 1:50 AM, Moon sextile Mercury 7:09 AM, Mars sextile Uranus 8:07 AM, Moon trine Mars 8:12 AM, Moon opposed Uranus 8:12 AM, Mercury opposed Mars 1:48 PM, Mercury trine Uranus 5:03 PM, Moon enters Sagittarius 9:28 PM.


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Pink Starfish art to guide your astrological journey

Pink Starfish & Her Bubble © Shelley Irish 2013



Beautiful cosmic art for your astrology trip


Purple Sunrise ¤ Koco Collab 2020  



Astrology signs and symbols

Astrological Aspects and their meaning: 

  • Conjunction: Planets are 0-5 degrees apart. Linked together, energy is mutually enhancing
  • Opposition: Planets are 180 degrees apart. Polarizing or complementing, energies are diametrically opposite
  • Trine: Planets are 120 degrees apart. Harmonizing, energies of this aspect are in the same element
  • Square: Planets are 90 degrees apart. The challenging, energies of this aspect are different from each other
  • Sextile: Planets are 60 degrees apart. Cooperative, energies of this aspect blend well

Astrology Connection is brought to you by We'Moon, makers of the We'Moon Datebook and We'Moon on the Wallyour trusted source for astrological insights and lunar devotion—complete with art and poetry by women from around the world—for over 40 years.