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Astrology Connection: Weekly Predictions for the Week Ahead

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Every week, we post the Starcodes by our regular We'Moon contributing astrologer, Heather Roan Robbins. If you'd like to get these insightful updates delivered to your inbox every Saturday, sign up for our newsletter and never miss a post! 


photo of Heather Roan Robbins Popular Astrologer

Weekly Starcodes—Planetary Aspect Interpretations & Predictions

Heather Roan Robbins is a practical, intuitive, choice-oriented astrologer, writer, celebrant, and spiritual counselor. Active for 30 plus years, she practices in St. Paul, Santa Fe, and New York City - 914.315.5001 Email Heather.

Starcodes for this week


Interesting and Exciting Times Ahead!

“May you live in interesting times” says an old Asian curse, and these times certainly are exciting. With the Sun in Leo, we can tend to grandstand or exaggerate any situation; though we need to look at existing problems with clear eyes, let’s only magnify the joy and possibilities.

As the weekend begins a sense of worried excitement or urgency can push us to dither or act before we’re ready. Stay calm, cool, collected, and think for the long haul. That anxiety and excitement are stimulated as Venus quincunx Saturn unsettles our hearts and Mercury quincunx Pluto unsettles our minds- just as an Aries Moon nags us to hurry up and fix things. 

Quincunxes are formed by two planets at an awkward 150° apart, these quincunxes can leave us feeling like our timing is off and wondering why we have bad luck and encourage us to pay extra attention to our surroundings. But unsettling can be positive, it can help us break the status quo, break out of a rut, and pursue a new path, new relationship, and new habits, if we take the prompt and shift gears. 

The asteroid Chiron also turns retrograde this weekend and can bring up some tricky memories or feelings of déjà vu, encouraging us to honestly review what went wrong before, not to make it happen again, but to learn from the past so we can create a healthier future. 

Mercury turns retrograde next week, August 4-28, so events will slow down and take a more circuitous route as the week progresses. Biden announced his withdrawal as Mercury squared Uranus last week, and Mercury will hit that square in mid-August and early September- coming and going from its retrograde cycle. Any major story we engage in this summer is not over, we have more chapters to deal with. So, stay awake and aware and ready to roll with creative solutions. 

We can prepare for the coming Mercury retrograde cycle now, batten down the logistical hatches, get bills organized, contracts signed, decisions made, and books written. We can then edit, adjust, and live a full life during the retrograde cycle. Mercury’s energy gets wonky when it’s moving slowly as it appears to do now, so keep an eye on communication and check what was intended if there’s any doubt.



weaving the tapestry of future predictionsWeaver © Colleen Clifford 2022


 High Summer Meandering

Over this weekend the Moon meanders through earthy Taurus and encourages us to enjoy high summer, settle in, feed our senses, and take care of the garden- take a deep breath in these interesting times. People will be remarkably stubborn over the weekend, it’s not a time to try to change minds, but we connect over shared experiences. 

Early next week the Moon heads into Gemini and news flies, gossip buzzes, slander slung, and new announcements pronounced, though much of this is performative rather than truthful. Remember it’s all a work in progress, any details hammered out now will probably need to be renegotiated through early September- so stay ready to adjust. The week ends on a cuddlier if self-protective note, we could have contradictory feelings where we both want to be safe at home under the Moon in Cancer but also socially and personally restless as Venus approaches an opposition to Uranus next weekend. This combination can bring some interesting shifts in political alliances, but also allow us to change our relationship patterns for the better. We need fresh experience but can hold hands while we explore the world. 



 Day By Day:  

Starcodes are in Mountain time.
Click here to calculate for your time zone.


Friday, July 26: Deal with real emergencies, but assess them carefully. A situation may feel more urgent than it is, so use the ambient Aries Moon excitement thoughtfully. Even our reasonable emotional needs can rub each other the wrong way, anxiety can make us more irritable and exacerbate the problem as Venus quincunx Saturn and Mercury quincunx Pluto. If some event is reminiscent of a past dilemma, don’t reinscribe the pain, take a new path. Solve small problems and watch the tension level decrease. Late evening could bring a big sigh of relief.

Moon sextile Jupiter 7:15 AM, Chiron retrogrades 7:58 AM, Moon trine Venus 4:14 PM, Venus quincunx Saturn 6:07 PM, Mercury quincunx Pluto 6:49 PM.

Saturday, July 27:  Morning is feisty and opinionated, we need to be inconvenient and do what we need to do, and at our own pace. Use caution around difficult equipment and difficult people around noon as the Moon enters solid Taurus and squares Pluto. By midday, long-term ramifications of recent decisions can hit us and just need time to integrate. It furthers to putter, meander, make life more comfortable, and savor the creative. Keep the front brain busy and give the back brain a chance to process.

Moon enters Taurus at 11:22 AM, Moon squares Pluto 12:40 PM, Moon trine Mercury 1:35 PM, Moon square Sun 8:51 PM.

Sunday, July 28: Move slowly and steadily, balance chores with life-renewing explorations. Our agenda may seem clear, we know what we need to do, but let’s not rush through a potential opportunity for joy in this rough summer. Don’t bother with arguments or debates, the mood is stubborn and resistant to change as this earthy Taurus Moon sextiles Saturn, so nurture possibilities rather than try to talk someone out of their position. Appreciate what is stable. 

 Moon sextile Saturn 7:42 PM

Monday, July 29: We could feel socially edgy, preoccupied, or strangely oblivious and step on other’s toes as the Moon squares Venus then conjunct Uranus early on. Midday calls us to shift gears or seek a change in pace and notice minor surprises that help us adjust to the future. Keep conversation productive and make the point without a charge. Let the conversation be a real discussion, not a monologue as the Moon enters Gemini and trines Pluto this afternoon. Evening could bring funny conversations, though we may have trouble sleeping, have strange dreams, or see edgy news stories as the Moon conjunct Mars overnight.

Moon square Venus 12:44 AM, Moon conjunct Uranus 9:47 AM, Moon sextiles Neptune 2:59 PM, Moon enters Gemini 3:27 PM, Moon trine Pluto 4:43 PM, Moon square Mercury 8:01 PM.



Beautiful Moonbow art

Moonbow © Pearl Coburn 2019 


Tuesday, July 30: It’s tempting to say too much or speak off-the-cuff and hurt feelings. Political diatribes can get pointed and people can wind out in their own stories. If our feelings get hurt, let’s notice if it’s more an ambient soul klutziness than an intent to attack. If we introspect and remember ourselves in similar situations, our natural empathy can guide us to speak supportively as Venus trines Chiron. Notice a lighter mood tonight as the Moon conjuncts Jupiter.

Moon conjunct Mars 3:01 AM, Moon sextile Sun 5:15 AM, Venus trine Chiron 1:54 PM, Moon conjunct Jupiter 4:44 PM.

Wednesday, July 31: A nervy restlessness calls us to engage in life and run into new people on this social day, visit with the neighbors, contact friends, sit on the beach, and meet people through walking dogs. Explore fresh ideas with humor. If our mind starts running on an uncomfortable hamster wheel, let’s slow and choose carefully where we focus our minds. Tonight, use imagination for good as the Moon squares Neptune then enters comfort-loving Cancer. It furthers to come home to safety and good food. We may need to sleep earlier and dream deeply. 

Moon square Saturn 12:41 AM, Moon sextile Venus 11:32 AM, Moon square Neptune 8:46 PM, Moon enters Cancer 9:19 PM.

Thursday, August 2: A maudlin vibe can bring out an emotional or grumpy streak, we won’t want to explain ourselves and can feel easily imposed upon. The mood changes quickly if we take responsibility for our situation, so set a needed boundary or address some unmet need. Although we can strain against people we love, good things happen when we don’t feel trapped, let’s take care of ourselves and operate with less blame and with more abundance.

Moon sextile Mercury 3:43 AM.



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 Starcodes from the previous week


Two Dynamic Astrological Stories

We have two astrological stories running this week, one a deep rumble, the other light and summery. On that bass note, we’ll want to know who’s in control, what they’re doing, and how much control we have in our own life as we approach a full Moon in Capricorn on Sunday, and the Sun approaches an opposition to Pluto on Monday.  This is true in family dynamics or national politics. 

It’s clear how these patterns are unfolding in our political arena, how about in our own lives? Where do we need to feel more empowered, more in control of our lives, and less tossed about on the waves of outrageous fortune?

We’ll see an installment in a story that questions our priorities in the face of extremes, a story that started at the end of June when Mercury opposed Pluto – about the time of the presidential election- intensified last week as Venus opposed Pluto-as an ear was tipped by a bullet- and completes this year’s chapter as the Sun enters Leo and opposes Pluto on Monday. These Pluto oppositions to the personal planets occur once a year, this year as they occur so close together, we get a real Plutonian narrative, a story of power plays in politics, and a farewell to often beloved public figures. 

Last week’s Uranus-Mars-fixed star Algol conjunction is still lingering in its effect. Algol is mythologically connected with losing one’s head or the beheading of a leader whether metaphorically or quite physically. It occurred in an earth sign, a pattern that can also be synchronistic with plate tectonic shifts, earthquakes, and experiences in our life that can feel like minor earthquakes as our world shifts. With the Sun, Venus, and Mercury all in Leo forward, the story can play against whether that feels like special effects for a strange movie. 

Pink Starfish art to guide your astrological journey

Pink Starfish & Her Bubble © Shelley Irish 2013

Find Joy & Live Life to the Fullest

With all the heaviness in politics and climate, we need to tap into the week’s second agenda, finding a moment of joy. We still need to eke out our summer’s renewal. It’s essential, not frivolous, for us to rest, heal, and rejuvenate, to take a moment off and absorb beauty during Leo season. Build resilience, nurture creativity, savor ripening fruit, and strengthen community.

That waxing Capricorn Moon infuses competence, competition, determination, and willfulness into the milieu this weekend. As Mars leaves Taurus and enters Gemini, on Saturday it can soften our communal stubbornness but add spice to conversation and debates. 

The Full Moon early Sunday morning asks us to look at our work-life balance and assess what makes us feel safe and cozy at home versus what powers our concrete life goals. We could feel strangely competitive or controlling patterns in our ordinarily comfortable social relationships and see some spectacular competence where real emergencies call for. But this Full Moon also asks us to look at the ruthlessness of people attempting to achieve their goals no matter who they step on.

The Moon shifts to Aquarius Sunday through Tuesday morning and brings a more collaborative air. Pay attention to the larger community, and what people need and want out there in the world. Some information may shock us or help us change our minds as Mercury squares Uranus, nudging us to find a new vision and take fresh action as the Sun trines Neptune and Mars trines Pluto.

We enter high summer as the Sun enters Leo on Monday. Our job now is to shine in the best ways possible while keeping an eye on political grandstanding and honoring each other’s hearts without indulging in melodrama. The river of life calls us.

A sensitive Pisces Moon from Tuesday through early on Thursday brings us back to our hearts. Mercury enters the sign of Virgo on Thursday; the Moon enters active Aries and together they hint at the next chapter of our work.


Day By Day:

Starcodes are in Mountain Time.
Click here to calculate for your time zone.


Friday, July 19: Watch for two dueling energies, the waxing Capricorn Moon can bring a generalized discontent and wants to accomplish, complete, or manipulate others into doing it for us. Note a strong political torc. The rest of the planets may want us to just take the day off and relax, particularly near the water, as Mars sextiles Neptune. Take an opportunity to let go of anger or ongoing arguments and heal a connection.

Moon square Neptune 1:58 AM, Moon enters Capricorn 2:13 AM.

Saturday, July 20: Projects call, and so do mountain passes, our garden, and other personal goals in the wilder world that the Capricorn Moon has plans for us. Tonight’s full Moon asks us to look at any tension between prioritizing our and personal comfort opposite long-term ambitions, work that defines our lifetime. We need both, a balance. Mars enters Gemini and helps us let go of recent anger but can heat up ongoing debates. Watch the rhetoric. Tonight has a wild edge as the Moon trines Uranus, we won’t want to miss the action. 

Mars sextiles Neptune 9:17 AM, Moon sextile Saturn 11:15 AM, Mars enters Gemini 2:43 PM, Moon trine Uranus 11:52 PM.


Sunday, July 21: Notice carefully what agreements you enter into for the next few days, neither back off nor overcommit as the Moon conjuncts Pluto in Aquarius. Balance personal needs and those of the group, and be fair to both. The afternoon brings some fascinating aspects, tune into the positive threads. Venus sextiles Jupiter and can open the heart, and stir the creative process, so go meet new people at the arts festival. We could change our minds or deal with shocking information just before dinner as Mercury squares Uranus. Drive and speak thoughtfully. The evening offers a new vision or great narrative as the Sun trines Neptune and Mars trines Pluto.

Moon opposes Sun 4:17 AM, Moon sextile Neptune 5:26 AM, Moon enters Aquarius 5:42 AM, Moon trine Mars 6:28 AM, Moon conjunct Pluto 7:14 AM., Venus sextile Jupiter 2:43 PM, Mercury square Uranus 4:20 PM, Sun trine Neptune 9:25 PM, Mars trine Pluto 9:47 PM.

Monday, July 22: We enter high summer as the Sun enters Leo. The day could bring another event or installment of the ongoing story that started at the end of June when Mercury opposed, enters Leo, and opposed Pluto, and continued last weekend when Venus opposed Pluto. This completes a chapter or reveals the pattern as the Sun opposes Pluto. Depression swirls in with the joy of life. We don’t need to make it any worse than it already is, but we do need to see the patterns. Let’s not let people jerk our chains nor manipulate others, but instead live life to the fullest.

Sun enters Leo 1:44 AM, Moon trine Jupiter 2:44 AM, Moon opposed Neptune 3:38 AM, Sun opposed Pluto 11:37 PM.


Beautiful cosmic art for your astrology trip

Purple Sunrise ¤ Koco Collab 2020   


Tuesday, July 23: Morning could feel discombobulated as we adjust to recent changes. Let this dust settle before making decisions. Catch up on emotional processing or just spend the day being tender with one another as the Moon enters Pisces. We can prickle easily in uncomfortable situations or feel our emotions jerked by offhand comments as the Moon squares Mars. Life feels safer when we care without trying to fix one another.

Moon square Uranus 1:46 AM, Moon opposed Mercury 3:58 AM, Moon enters Pisces 7:22 AM, Moon square Mars 10:35 AM.


Wednesday, July 24: Although it can be easy to feel overwhelmed, go gently and savor summer under this sensitive Pisces Moon. Mercury in Leo encourages good storytelling. Think back on the best moments rather than make the melodrama worse. Remember the taste of peach ice cream. Mid-afternoon, tend to practicalities and follow-up on contracts or callbacks as the Moon squares Saturn, then put feet in water and rest.

Moon square Jupiter 4:46 AM, Moon conjunct Saturn 2:31 PM. 

Thursday, July 25: The moon enters active, rebellious Aries and we get busy. Keep an eye on the headlines, though it may be hard to figure out what’s going on or who’s telling us the truth as Mercury quincunx Neptune. Expect a wild note in the weather. Later, listen for early hints of future work as Mercury enters Virgo. Some anxiety about the future can make it hard to stay present, chew on that future but stay in the present moment where change can happen.

Moon sextile Uranus 3:19 AM, Moon conjunct Neptune 8:31 AM, Moon enters Aries 8:52 AM, Mercury quincunx Neptune 9:59 AM, Moon trine Pluto 10:13 AM, Moon trine Sun 2:28 PM, Moon sextile Mars 2:35 PM, Mercury enters Virgo 4:41 PM, Sun sextile Mars 8:32 PM.





Astrology signs and symbols

Astrological Aspects and their meaning: 

  • Conjunction: Planets are 0-5 degrees apart. Linked together, energy is mutually enhancing
  • Opposition: Planets are 180 degrees apart. Polarizing or complementing, energies are diametrically opposite
  • Trine: Planets are 120 degrees apart. Harmonizing, energies of this aspect are in the same element
  • Square: Planets are 90 degrees apart. The challenging, energies of this aspect are different from each other
  • Sextile: Planets are 60 degrees apart. Cooperative, energies of this aspect blend well

Astrology Connection is brought to you by We'Moon, makers of the We'Moon Datebook and We'Moon on the Wallyour trusted source for astrological insights and lunar devotion—complete with art and poetry by women from around the world—for over 40 years.