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"Together let us move from a space of restoration to a place of connection, celebration and exploration. Now is the time to begin to flesh out our insights after a time of deep recuperation. We trust the knowing and divine intelligence of Mother Earth, and soon we will sync ourselves with the energy of initiation and reinvention. We must lean into the resilient practices of our ancestors to help us germinate our creative seeds..." Imbolc or Candlemas, February 2nd, is a celebration of light and the first spark of spring.
Happy Spring Equinox ! Celebrate the official arrival of Spring and the start of Aries Season! Explore Spring Equinox rituals and traditions, and get inspired for Spring!
In simpler times, communities gathered to jump over fires in the fields and participate in the great round of fertility. Listen to the voices of the universe saying YES—the Sun shines, the birds sing, the flowers bloom. The purpose of the universe is to celebrate the delight of its existence. May that inspiration hot-wire us into the living voltage of the Mother. Renew your life with others.
Happy Summer Solstice!
The Sun moves into the sign of Cancer, Spring is over Summer has come!
Solstices are the extreme points as Earth’s axis tilts toward or away from the sun, when days and nights are longest or shortest.
"Benevolent and bountiful Pacha Mama sustains life. Her natural state overflows with abundance. She teaches us to give without judgment or conditions. She freely sacrifices her fruit and offers herself to feed our bodies. We honor her as we receive the gifts of harvest. "
excerpt by Mahada Thomas from We'Moon 2025 datebook
..."The earth leads us into fall with grace. Our colors change, and we let go. Old beliefs become compost on the forest floor. We are suspended in time between what was, and what will be. We release and receive abundance. Honor any grief that arises. Feel deeply. Look to the eagle overhead."...
excerpt by Mahada Thomas
from We'Moon 2025 © Mother Tongue Ink 2024
Samhain, also known as Hallowmas or the Witches New Year, is always held on October 31st. A time when the veils thin, it is believed the barriers that normally hold steadfast between our world and other worlds become less stable during this time of year, letting us walk with spirits and ancestors long passed.
"Stillness and Silence descend upon the land. We turn to the void and befriend the dark, where dreams are born. Slither with Snake to the other side of suffering. She finds a lightless space, becomes still, without sight, and sheds her old skin. Travel down deep into the belly of the Mother. Feel Earth envelop you like a midnight blanket. Hush. The wisdom of Gaia is heard only when we become quiet and still."...
excerpt by Mahada Thomas © Mother Tongue Ink 2024