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We'Moon 2020 Dedication: Tree Sisters

Every year, we donate a portion of our proceeds to an organization doing good work that resonates with our theme. 

We search for give back projects run by women and for women and highlight them in each edition of the datebook! 

This year, with The World as our guide, we dedicate We'Moon 2021 to TreeSisters.

TreeSisters is a UK based non-profit whose mission is to fund tropical reforestation and protection.

They focus on mobilizing and empowering women, “through the gateway of their femininity and their desire to restore Nature.” TreeSisters donates 80% of funds raised to existing reforestation organizations, and the remaining 20% funds education, behavior change and consciousness shift work "in support of humanity's identity shift from a consumer species to a restorer species.

TreeSisters' goal is to plant 1 billion trees annually.

As of February 2020, TreeSisters has funded over 8 million trees across their projects in Kenya, Madagascar, Brazil, Cameroon, Nepal and India.

Join TreeSisters in re-covering our world under a green canopy,

to increase life diversity, mediate climate change, and empower women in global conservation leadership roles. treesisters.org

© Mother Tongue Ink 2021

Art: Espejo/Mirror © Carmen R. Sonnes 2006