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Taurus, the year begins with a thirst for knowledge. With Saturn briefly entering Aries at the end of June, you may stumble upon a much-needed breakthrough toward self-empowerment. Depriving yourself of indulging in that curiosity may cause cognitive dehydration or a more profound challenge to your ability to focus. Have you developed an appreciation for how what you are learning can inform your sense of logic or creativity? None of us can predict the future, and if you try, I suggest practicing foresight with flexibility and embracing a little bit of uncertainty.
For 2025, try to let go of the need to have absolute truths and concrete answers— maybe this year, you’ll learn that life will rarely provide you with satisfying theories. The world around you changes, grows, and evolves with each inhale and exhale you take.
You halt your development when you become entrapped by expectations. In life, when there are moments in which you turn out to be correct, consider yourself wise. Even the most intuitive and sensory-aware individuals benefit from allowing life to unfold and people to reveal themselves. Welcome an openness to new outcomes.
—Monisha Holmes© Mother Tongue Ink 2024
from We’Moon 2025 p. 75
The Sun provides life force, powers our inner light and will. As it shines through a unique zodiacal sign each month, we reflect, express, and learn from its unique flavor.
Taurus: Dig deep. Under Fixed Earth Taurus, life is a fertile garden ready to receive seed, plowing, compost—ready to feed root and bulb, and bring a new crop to light.
If you're born under a Taurus Sun, you remind us that the Earth is sacred, peace is found in a flowering field and in the comforts of a well-upholstered life.
Learn when to bend like a willow in the wind, when to grow roots and when to roll.
- Heather Roan Robbins © Mother Tongue Ink 2020
Women are Powerful ¤ Destiney Powell 2019
By Day: The Moon's sign sets the emotional tone. Those Born Under: Our natal Moon sign describes what makes us feel at home, how we process emotion, and how we handle our daily life.
Friendly stubbornness sets the mood; if pushed, we just dig in our heels. Our sensuality brings us back into our bodies; our hungers sharpen.
Moon in Taurus slows us down, roots grow deep in this stubborn, creative, sensual time. It's time to cultivate our earthly resources: garden.
Taurus Moons search for stability and have a gift with the world of matter. They share their sensuality, understand value, can nurture and grow people, plants, and stuff, but need to learn flexibility and the gift of letting go.
Heather Roan Robbins © Mother Tongue Ink 2020
To learn more about Moon signs and their influences, read more at What Sign is the Moon in, What is My Moon Sign, and What Does it all Mean?
What is a rising sign you ask? The rising sign or ascendant is the sign that was present on the horizon at the time of your birth. It sits similarly on your birth chart on this horizon line, or equatorial line in your chart on the left or east side of your chart.
Do calculate your rising sign, you'll need to know the exact time of your birth, once you know along with your geographic location, you can visit many sites and receive a free birth chart, here is one of our staff favorites.
Your sun sign represents your core personality, and the qualities of our outward shining self. Your moon sign reflects qualities of your inner core self, or emotional self.
The Poet's Journey: Cover Illustration © Katy Beyer 2007
Rising sign also dictates where the Astrological Houses lay within your chart.
The Houses (twelve pie shaped sections) of our personal birth chart attend to all areas of our life. Each house represents a basic facet of human experience from birth to death. The placement of each house in your natal chart is dependent on your rising sign
Taurus rising are stable and grounded, they can be stubborn but also diplomatic. They go about life very pragmatic in fashion and have a tendency to be cautious.
They can be slow to speak their mind but once they do, watch out, because these ascendents hold truth in their words!
Taurus rising are constant and steady, like a slow moving river or stable earth. They love peace in their lives and strives to keep tensions slow. They are very sensual and sensitive as well!
This time of year our garders start to flourish. The sprouts we planted last month have survived and grow inward towards the earth. We dig our own hands into soil in constant maintenance and preparation to grow food and flowers.
Taurus rules the morning just after Sunrise. Once we have awoken we start to tend and care for the body. We feed, caffeinate and ground down into our morning ritual.
Apra Seed © Mary Ruff-Gentle Doe 2011
Planets in this sign like to move at their own pace, often slow and steady. These plants are grounded and often stubborn in their convictions.
They can be easy going, down to Earth, reliable, patient, and sensible though often lazy, materialistic, and uncooperative.
- Leah Markman © Mother Tongue Ink 2020
“The Houses (twelve pie shaped sections) of our personal birth chart attend to all areas of our life. Each house represents a basic facet of human experience from birth to death.”
The placement of each house in your natal chart is dependent on your rising sign. A person with an Aries rising has what is called a “natural chart”. A rising sign is the sign ascending on the eastern horizon on the time of your birth, it can be calculated using a rising sign calculator here!
We sustain our bodies through the use and appreciation of food, shelter, and material goods for living and thriving.
To learn to dates that the Sun enters each of your Houses, refer to your Birth Chart for the Sign and degree on each house cusp, and then use an Ephemeris to find the corresponding date that the Sun enters each of the Houses.
You may calculate your chart using Astro.com or contact Sandra Pastorius for assistance!
- Sandra Pastorius © Mother Tongue Ink 2018
Most people, when considering astrology's benefits, are familiar with their Sun sign; however each of the planet's within our solar system has a specific part to play in the complete knowledge of "The Self."
Venus is harmony in its expressed form, as well as compassion, bliss and acceptance.
- Melissa Kae Mason, MoonCat! © Mother Tongue Ink 2011
Use eclipse degrees in your birth chart to identify potential release points. Eclipses serve as catalysts for us to aspire to our destiny’s deeper calling. Use creative self-reflection to experience inner alignments and transmute the past into new sources of energy.
This article goes over all of the eclipses, both lunar and solar, for the year, their dates and times, and their specific, unique affects.
Highlights of our desk top date book include information for every day:
Aries Horoscopes for Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Rising Sign:
"...As Spring persists, you will come into yourself: imperfections, inaccuracies, and iconic discoveries. Chin up, Aries. You have an incredible ability to rally. ..." —Monisha Holmes © Mother Tongue Ink 2024
Gemini Horoscopes for Sun Sign, Moon Sign, and Rising. The Sun enters Gemini on May 20th. What does the year have in store for you?
What does 2023 hold for you, dear Cancer?
You are familiar with the process of transformation and understand that it rarely comes easily. It is a long and often complicated journey involving setbacks, mountains to summit, and occasional disappointments. Dear Cancer, if change came without disruption, then how would we recognize it? . . .