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Every year we ask an astrologer to look ahead for the year and see what the stars have in store for us!
What can we expect for 2023? Heather Roan Robbins has written the astrological prediction for our upcoming edition of We'Moon.
Structured and responsible Saturn starts the year in Aquarius and enters Pisces March 7. Transformative Pluto steps into Aquarius from March 23–June 11 then retrogrades back into Capricorn until February 2024. The new chapter of Pluto in Aquarius offers hope—but don’t expect all sweetness and light.
Earth Prayer: Benediction © Kay Kemp 2020
Aquarius, the fixed air sign, offers an image of equals sitting in a circle, people holding hands and working together. Pluto takes 247 years around the zodiac and last walked through Aquarius 1778–1797 heralding an era for revolution— the abolition of monarchies and creation of democracies. Once again, we step into a few decades which could revolutionize how we gather, connect with, educate and govern our world.
But the wisdom of the people’s mind depends on what they know, what questions they ask, and how the heart and mind connect. Crowd mentality can be unreliable and inaccurate. We are responsible for asking the tough questions, for educating ourselves and others in order to help populous look deeper and keep minds and hearts connected.
Neptune stays in Pisces and encourages our spiritual practice, our empathy and intuition, but can make truth foggy and leave people clinging to spiritual philosophies without really questioning whether they are still beneficial or if they are being used to hide from some uncomfortable truth.
Saturn joins Neptune in Pisces March 7 which can bring old wisdom, discipline, and practicality (Saturn) into our spiritual search (Neptune) and can help us control our personal and cultural addictions. Water problems will keep climate change urgency in the forefront.
Mars turns direct January 12, Mercury January 18, Uranus January 22, and then we’re off and running. Expect a direct, feisty spell as Venus enters Aries February 19 and imbues emotional and artistic bravery; women take the lead as Venus conjunct Jupiter in Aries around March 2. Speak up, but don’t burn a bridge unless you mean to.
Get organized and deal with urgent short-term agenda through a Solar eclipse square Pluto on April 19 and as Mercury retrogrades April 21–May 14.
History turns up the heat and calls us to live fully. Watch for creative actions and political grandstanding as Mars enters Leo and opposes Pluto May 20 through Mars square Uranus June 26. Venus and Mars conjunct in Leo through early July which can bring romance and feed creative projects everywhere, or it can be an excuse to create personal drama; look for the best possible way to share the heart and leave melodrama alone.
The stars bring our attention to our life’s work as Mercury enters Virgo on July 28 and gives us a chance to get organized and collaborate. But before the momentum can take off, Mercury retrogrades August 23–15 and helps us take a deep breath and keep our future integrated with our past.
Hare ¤ Robin Lea Quinlivan 2017
We need to fight the good fight but not waste energy arguing as Mars squares Pluto early October then enters Scorpio October 11. A solar eclipse October 14 and lunar eclipse October 28 act as astrological acupuncture to shake up and clarify our emotions and they call us to check for the extremes of codependence or selfishness so we can find a more balanced way forward.
Heather Roan Robbins © Mother Tongue Ink 2022
from We'Moon 2023 pg 8-9
What can we expect for 2022? Heather Roan Robbins, Maeanna Welti, and Sandra Pastorius have written the astrological prediction for our upcoming edition of We'Moon.
May their words and information guide you through your journey of the seasons!
It is not a year for flash and boom but for real reorganization and real liberation.
This earthy, saturnine line-up prioritizes stabilizing systemic shifts rather than quick change. It's time to investigate assumptions, rebuild foundations of houses, review and renew our social contracts.
Pluto now spends its last full year in Capricorn before it enters Aquarius for the new few decades and births a fresh chapter. America experiences its first Pluto return, Pluto comes back to where it was in the country's birth chart in February, June, and December and asks the same formative questions about power and purpose now as when the country was born.
As Pluto finishes in Capricorn it asks all of us to look at the power dynamics in our home and society and contemplate our source of power in our personal relationships, our ecological orientation, and in our political action.
We need to explore how we can move from the decades of Pluto in Capricorn, which leaned into the old ways and elders on a good day and challenged us with power hierarchies and abuse of power on a bad day—into the upcoming decades of Pluto in Aquarius and its gift and challenge of collective power.
Head in the Clouds © Corinne "Bee Bop" Trujillo 2019
The next question that burns throughout this year is about the nature of truth—political, personal, spiritual truth—as Neptune continues its delicious and problematic tour of its own sign of Pisces from 5/2011–1/2026, magnified this spring by a Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in April, echoing in orb all year long.
It helps us honor the sacredness of water. It encourages our intuition, helps us soften old limitations, see beyond concrete reality, experience psychic connection to one another and to the trees, and experience emotions outside of the box.
But once we let go of the box, this Neptune can leave the psyche untethered and open our culture up to craziness, sending many down the rabbit holes of conspiracy theories or lost in their own hopes and fears.
As we open our intuition and dissolve old constructs, it becomes essential that we learn to sift between what we want, what we are afraid of, and our honest and accurate intuition, because they operate on the same plane. We can do powerful magic, but strong emotions and anxiety can distort our intuition.
As Jupiter conjuncts Neptune this year, it can bring to a head any ongoing negative-Neptune problems like alcoholism, collective fears, passivity, and flooding ecosystems. We have to choose to stay grounded in the process in order to use this Neptune wisely; feed our soul and our imagination, vision the future, but also rigorously check our facts and add action to our dreams.
Ravenesce © Helen Seay Art 2018
As the year begins, Uranus turns direct after several months retrograde, on January 18, which can both stir chaos but help us remember our priorities.
Both Venus and Mars enter Aquarius March 5 and conjunct for several weeks, cranking up the emotions and encouraging a loving development of our community, our Sangha or circle.
We feel the restlessness of the spring revolution around the spring Equinox as Mercury conjuncts expansive Jupiter while Mars squares Uranus March 22, and can direct this towards a better future rather than just against an old paradigm. Act rather than react; reinvent the paradigm.
Jupiter activates this whole year and asks what liberates us, not just the personal us, but what liberates humankind. Jupiter is several times larger than all the other planets put together. On a good day Jupiter brings us freedom and helps us create spaciousness. It can also be the planet of disempowering enabling unless we ask what would really help-—and listen carefully to the answer.
Throughout 2022 Jupiter bunny hops from Pisces—where it can liberate the soul through compassion, creativity, and empathy—into Aries on May 10—where it liberates through action and radical reinvention—back into Pisces Oct 27, then to Aries again on Dec 20.
When We Meet—Evening © KT InfiniteArt 2019
A partial solar eclipse/new Moon in Taurus April 30 helps us make this a fertile time to plant our dreams. On the Total lunar eclipse May 15, the Sun and Moon square Saturn and can prune back that which is overgrown and asks us to check the foundations of our work, the structures of our organizations.
Retrograde season asks us to review our work, go back and strengthen what we’ve done, fix what needs fixing, deepen rather than push forward.
Mercury retrogrades:
The main retrograde season kicks in June 4 as Saturn retrogrades, joined by Neptune on June 28, Chiron July 19, Jupiter July 28, Uranus August 24.
Forward motion picks up as Pluto turns direct October 8, Saturn October 22, Jupiter November 23, and finally Neptune turns direct December 3.
Those eclipses echo again in the fall with a Scorpio solar eclipse October 25 and lunar eclipse, conjunct change-inducing Uranus on November 8, also square Saturn, which asks us to check the structures of our organizations and make the changes necessary so authority is used in the best way possible, both personally and politically.
We need to search for hope, for progressive action and the dream of liberation as Jupiter ends the year in Aries Dec 20, and approaches Chiron.
Heather Roan Robbins © Mother Tongue Ink 2021 from the We'Moon 2022 astrological date book
If you want to read Heather's article for 2021 astrology, the 2020 We'Moon datebook is available at half price.
Heather Roan Robbins is a writer, ceremonialist and astrologer committed to bringing high-quality intuitive arts to the public in an accessible and useful format.
Change is a cycle of many processes. In stages we name, release, tear down, review, envision, sow, grow, build. No one part of the process is quite like any other, and all are needed
Since 2008, when Pluto entered Capricorn, we have been digging out the foundation of many toxic structures and systems that have seemed unchangeably set and stable.
This is the year we check the corners, dig out the deepest roots, take stock of all we’ve learned about ourselves, and let our sense of meaning, reality and purpose be forever changed, not just temporarily challenged. This is how we heal and build in this magical dark.
Dimensional Travel Series 4 © Wendy Page 2014
Both Saturn and Uranus will be squared many times throughout the year by faster moving planets, and will twice square each other.
Fixed signs make things real. In between the instigation of the cardinal signs and the flexibility of the mutable signs, the fixed signs look at how things last, how they play out in real lived experience. This is the part of the change cycle in which we apply everything we have fought for and dreamed about into daily life at every scale—in which we affirm this new paradigm as an enduring reality.
This time is about stamina, nurturance and follow-through. We will be both challenged and supported as we look at what it takes to build a new foundation, grow new roots. Our attention, collectively and individually, will be called and recalled to thoroughness, innovation and livability.
2022 will ask us how we can dream and build big, radical visions into reality and live beautifully, comfortably, simply and well, in alignment with the generosity of the Earth.
Maeanna Welti © Mother Tongue Ink 2021 from We’Moon 2022 pg 11
— Sandra Pastorius © Mother Tongue Ink 2021
Learn more about Eclipses and Retrograde periods for 2021 on our blog: Journey into Astrology
The year 2020 has been a rocky road Heather Roan Robbins has written the astrological prediction in each edition of We'Moon,
The Moon changes signs every two or two and a half days, and passes through all 12 signs of the zodiac every 27 and 1/3 days. That's one Sidereal Month. So we have ample opportunity to experience how the sign that the moon is in affects ourselves and those around us.
This article explores the influences of the 12 signs of the zodiac in relation to the world, the moon and you.
Use eclipse degrees in your birth chart to identify potential release points. Eclipses serve as catalysts for us to aspire to our destiny’s deeper calling. Use creative self-reflection to experience inner alignments and transmute the past into new sources of energy.
This article goes over all of the eclipses, both lunar and solar, for the year, their dates and times, and theri specific, unique affects.
What if we could reduce our and our beloveds stress levels faster and more efficiently?
You can. In this article, Mary Cole of 7Tarot, outlines how we can use the strengths and characteristics of our sun signs to reduce stress.
Mercury, planetary muse and mentor of our mental and communicative lives, appears to reverse its course three or four times a year. We may experience less stress during these periods by taking the time to pause and go back over familiar territory and give second thoughts to dropped projects or miscommunications. Breakdowns can help us attend to the safety of mechanics and mobility. It’s time to “recall the now” of the past and deal with underlying issues. Leave matters that lock in future commitments until Mercury goes direct.
Solar and Lunar Eclipses for this year
Solar and Lunar Eclipses occur when the Earth, Sun and Moon align at the Moon’s nodal axis, usually four times a year, during New and Full Moons, respectively. The South (past) and North (future) Nodes symbolize our evolutionary path. Eclipses catalyze destiny’s calling. Use eclipse degrees in your birth chart to identify potential release points.