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Snail Mail Submissions

How to Submit your Art and Writing to We’Moon via Snail Mail:

What Was Given © Robin Lea Quinlivan 2009

Greetings Creative Goddesses! We are so excited you want to submit work for possible publication in We'Moon!

We are always thrilled to receive more inspired work to consider. Please read the following directions carefully, and reach out to us HERE if you have any questions. We’re always happy to help.


Due date for submissions: August 1st, 2024!

Note it is currently too late to submit for We'Moon 2025.

We are always accepting submissions for We'Moon! Click HERE for Thematic Inspiration!

How to Submit your Poetry, Art and Creative Writing

Have a read through our Call for Contributions, which includes the license form as well as thematic information and inspiration for the upcoming edition of We'Moon. It's also available en Español. Then, submitting your work is easy!

  1. Fully complete and sign the 2-page license
  2. Label your submissions
  3. Mail it on in! 

1) Complete a license 

The Call for Contributions contains the license for all artists and writers to fill out and send in with the submissions.NOTE: Submissions will not be processed without a completed license. If you find this form daunting, you are not alone. Please call or email, and we will happily assist you.

2) Print and Label your work

  • Print one submission per page on regular paper, 8.5 x 11.
  • All writing should fit on one side of one page. If it does not, it is probably too long.
  • Label the piece of paper with your credit info. Print or type: the title of the piece, the copyright symbol you chose for it (¤ or ©—see the license for more info), your name as you'd like to be credited, and the year the work was created.
    Example: Self Portrait © Frida Kahlo 1940
  • Do NOT send us original work or expensive prints. They will not be returned.
  • To reduce our ecological footprint, please do not send glossy prints, plastic sheet protectors, CDs, or other non-recyclable items. To be uber-eco, email them to us! For instructions on how to submit via email, click HERE! 

3) Send it on in!

Your package should contain:

  • A completed and signed Contributor's License
  • Photographer and model release forms for photos if required (see Photography, below) 
  • A self-addressed stamped envelope
  • Your chosen art and/or writing submission, of course!
  • Send submissions to: We’Moon Submission, PO Box 187, Wolf Creek OR 97497 

We will contact you in the Spring to let you know whether or not your work has been selected for publication.

For more instructions, information about compensation, etc, visit our landing page for We'Moon Submission.

Special instructions for various mediums:

Visual Art:

  • Maximum 8 pieces of art, please.
  • If your work is chosen for the current publication, you will be contacted for a high resolution file.  



  • 6 pieces of writing maximum.
  • Limit Prose to 350 words maximum.
  • Poetry should not exceed 35 lines (12± words per line).
  • Do not send manuscripts, chapbooks or work in any bound form.
  • Each submission should fit on one side of one page. If it does not, it is likely too long. 


  • If you are submitting photography that contains a recognizable human subject or model, you will need to send in a release form for each individual in the photo.
  • If the subject is under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must give signed permission for publication.
  • Download the photographer's release form.
  • Download the subject/model release form.
  • Include these forms with your submission. 

 Many Blessings,

 The We'Moon Creatrix Team

 Contact info: MotherTongue or 1-877-693-6666 or 541-956-6052