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Ceres (Goddess of corn and Harvest) symbolizes our ability to nourish ourselves and others in a substantial and metaphoric way. As in the Greek myth of Demeter and Persephone, she helps us to let go and die, to understand mother-daughter dynamics, to re-parent ourselves and to educate by our senses.
Juno (Queen of the Gods and of relationships) shows us what kind of committed partnership we long for, our own individual way to find fulfillment in personal and professional partnering. She wants partners to be team-workers, with equal rights and responsibilities.
Pallas (Athena) is a symbol for our creative intelligence and often hints at the sacrifice of women's own creativity or the lack of respect for it. She brings to the fore father-daughter issues, and points to difficulties in linking head, heart and womb.
Vesta (Vetal Virgin/Fire Priestess) reminds us first and foremost that we belong to ourselves and are allowed to do so! She shows us how to regenerate, to activate our passion, and how to carefully watch over our inner fire in the storms of everyday life.
excerpt Beate Metz © Mother Tongue Ink 2009
ART: Balancing Tide © Molly Brown 2015
What if we could reduce our and our beloveds stress levels faster and more efficiently?
You can. In this article, Mary Cole of 7Tarot, outlines how we can use the strengths and characteristics of our sun signs to reduce stress.
See when Mercury reverses course into Retrograde this year and how to best cope and even use these times for greatest advantage in your relationships and practical reality. What to do and what not to do when this planetary muse and mentor of our mental and communicative lives moonwalks into past territory, shaking us up a few times every year.
"...A lunar eclipse March 13 and a solar eclipse March 29 demand we let go of what’s outdated in our lives and open into compassionate action. ... " The South (past) and North (future) Nodes symbolize our evolutionary path. Eclipses catalyze destiny’s calling. Learn about how to work with these energies to supercharge your own evolution.