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The Sun moves into Scorpio on Sunday October 23rd 2023 at 9:21 AM PDT. Scorpio is a fixed water sign.
"Last year you learned the power of choosing to be in the moment, making decisive decisions, and committing yourself to just doing what needs to be done. Congratulations! The ability to lunge at momentary opportunities is a key that will open the door to endless opportunities...
Moon Ease © Corinne "Bee Bop" Trujillo 2019
...The best way to get through the beginning of 2023: acceptance. Accept where you are right now and release the desire to create drastic change, unless you are convinced that a complete change is what you desire...
...Focus on your fitness, develop a structured routine, and pay closer attention to your health. The most difficult part of taking care of yourself is starting, and then it becomes second nature. Towards the end of the year there will be room for love and romance..."...read more
— Astrologer Six © Mother Tongue Ink 2022
Featured Image: The Gateway Series: Transformation © Megan Welti 2016
Celebrate the official arrival of Spring and the start of Aries Season! Every year, Spring Equinox occurs around March 19-23rd and gives us the blessing of equal day and night. The Sun only grows stronger in the coming months.
Happy Gemini Season! The Sun moves into Gemini on Sunday, May 20th Gemini is a Mutable Air sign. Enjoy the Year at a Glance excerpt for Gemini written by Monisha Holmes as published in the We'Moon 2025 datebook!