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We'Moon 2025 Beautiful Cover Art Poster



A Big Glossy Art Poster Featuring the Cover Art from We'Moon 2025:  Spirit Weavers by Dana Lynn

"I created this piece as an art entry for the Spirit Weavers Gathering in 2016. It is a depiction of our ancestors weaving the threads of time into a geometric mandala pattern. Mother Earth is represented as Turtle Island. She holds nourishing and nurturing plants upon her back and gazes out with eyes that contain the universe."

About the Artist

Dana Lynn (Indianapolis, IN) is a mid-west artist who is inspired by the intricacies and beauty of nature, herbalism, and astrology. You can follow her artistic endeavors on IG & FB @danalynnartistry and Etsy: DanaLynnArtistry

This Poster is Perfect for Displaying in:

  • The classroom, and your children's bedrooms, to affirm positive images of women
  • Your home, to enjoy the beauty of and to declare your love for the Earth and the stars
  • Your workplace, to remind yourself and your coworkers about the bigger picture you are working toward

The Specs:

Printed on recycled paper with soy-based ink • Full color • 11"x17" • $10.00 US

Collect them all! 

Enjoy the wonderful cover art of We'Moon for years to come. We offer a small selection of past edition cover posters to adorn your homes and hearts! Visit our collection to find your favorite We'Moon cover art.