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Lammas is a celebration of community and harvest. It is a time to gather with loved ones to honor and feast on the bounties of summer harvest! Originally celebrated as a wheat festival, and when the first crop of wheat was taken in and blessed by community.
"Benevolent and bountiful Pacha Mama sustains life. Her natural state overflows with abundance. She teaches us to give without judgment or conditions. She freely sacrifices her fruit and offers herself to feed our bodies. We honor her as we receive the gifts of harvest...."
Seed Savers © Leah Marie Dorion 2017
"At Lammas we get a taste of Goodness yet to come. And we sit with uncertainty and vulnerability. As the sun begins to wane, we have high hopes for our crops to yield in soil and in Spirit. Spring’s green is now gold, and we feel summer slipping away..."Mahada Thomas: excerpt from pg 117. We'Moon 2025:Growing Edge
Take a deep dive into the full article:
Lammas Rituals and Traditions!
Marla Faith (Nashville, TN) is an artist, poet, and educator. Her three books of art & poetry are: Art of the Divine: Buddhist, Hindu and Earth Gods and Goddess; The Diver and the Pearl; and Listening to the Bones.
"...A lunar eclipse March 13 and a solar eclipse March 29 demand we let go of what’s outdated in our lives and open into compassionate action. ... " The South (past) and North (future) Nodes symbolize our evolutionary path. Eclipses catalyze destiny’s calling. Learn about how to work with these energies to supercharge your own evolution.
Celebrate the official arrival of Spring and the start of Aries Season! Every year, Spring Equinox occurs around March 19-23rd and gives us the blessing of equal day and night. The Sun only grows stronger in the coming months.
Happy Gemini Season! The Sun moves into Gemini on Sunday, May 20th Gemini is a Mutable Air sign. Enjoy the Year at a Glance excerpt for Gemini written by Monisha Holmes as published in the We'Moon 2025 datebook!