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Beltane lands on May 1st every year, and is a loverly spring festival often celebrated with dances around the May Pole, bonfires, lots of love ceremonies and flirtatious joy.
"As we expand into the waxing light of the sun, we fill with passion. Ignite with joy. Revel in pleasure. Our pulsing hearts become Beltane’s fire of purification. We burn away all that no longer serves.
We celebrate our right relationships with each other, Earth, and all her creatures. We relish the healing nourishment of our stone friends, our plant allies, the creepy crawlers, the finned, the furred, and the winged ones."...read more
—Mahada Thomas© Mother Tongue Ink 2024
from pg 81 in We'Moon 2025
Featured Art: Sacred Heart Mandala © Elspeth McLean 2018
She loves holding sacred space, and shares her healing journey to inspire others. Find her on facebook and her youtube channel: Mahada Thomas Healing Arts, or email madathomas@yahoo.ca
"...A lunar eclipse March 13 and a solar eclipse March 29 demand we let go of what’s outdated in our lives and open into compassionate action. ... " The South (past) and North (future) Nodes symbolize our evolutionary path. Eclipses catalyze destiny’s calling. Learn about how to work with these energies to supercharge your own evolution.
Happy Gemini Season! The Sun moves into Gemini on Sunday, May 20th Gemini is a Mutable Air sign. Enjoy the Year at a Glance excerpt for Gemini written by Monisha Holmes as published in the We'Moon 2025 datebook!
Taurus is a Fixed Earth Sign. Enjoy the Year at a Glance excerpt for Taurus written by Monisha Holmes as published in the We'Moon 2025 datebook!