Every week, we post the Starcodes by our regular We'Moon contributing astrologer, Heather Roan Robbins. If you'd like to get these insightful updates delivered to your inbox every Saturday, sign up for our newsletter and never miss a post!
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Weekly Starcodes—Planetary Aspect Interpretations & Predictions |
Astrology Connection is brought to you by We'Moon, makers of the We'Moon Datebook and We'Moon on the Wall, your trusted source for astrological insights and lunar devotion—complete with art and poetry by women from around the world—for over 40 years.
This week is a good week to catch up, clear our desks, finalize plans, pitch our proposals, and clear the air at home. Communication could already be getting glitchy -but can really develop sludge next week as Mercury retrogrades until mid-April. Mercury is already in its shadow- the area it backs over while retrograde. Don’t let mistakes or misunderstandings slide, get right on it. Correct misperceptions quickly and cleanly.
Major changes stir the pot this spring and summer, the tectonic plates of our cultural zeitgeist shift as three outer planets change signs, though it will be up to us what that change looks like.
Luckily, the Sun forms helpful aspects this week, a motivating trine to Mars and an empowering conjunction with organized, authoritative Saturn, which empowers us to help us get our work done. With these aspects we can also expect a continued debate on the rule of law, one of Saturn’s favorite things, and arguments over the chain of command. Mercury and Venus conjunct in empowered, impulsive. outspoken Aries all week, help us speak our mind and keep the headlines interesting.
Eclipse season starts next Friday under the full Moon in Virgo and could bring problems to light. Mercury in Aries turns retrograde for three weeks starting March 15th, Venus, also in feisty Aries, is already retrograde, keeping our feelings and indignation on simmer. A bit farther down the line, a solar eclipse on March 29, at 9° Aries will fire us up and clarify the battle lines, potentially shaking down some illusions. Neptune enters Aries on March 30 for the first time since the first day of the American civil war in 1861.
Weaver © Colleen Clifford 2022
So, this week, let's work on our long-term projects, bring them up to date, and clear the air so we can truly hold hands and work together as the world goes through its shifts and changes. If we are adaptable, organized, and in line with one another, we can use these wild times to our advantage.
The weekend starts under a domestic and self-protective Cancer Moon. The Moon enters outgoing Leo through Tuesday, which could bring some interpersonal drama. If so, step aside and try to figure out what's missing, what people are hungry for, they might stir up trouble just for excitement or the stimulation.
If we don't get too cranky, we get efficient towards the end of the week as the Moon enters nervous, prickly, but hard-working Virgo on Wednesday while the Sun conjuncts organized, if dour, Saturn and clarifies our responsibilities. These planetary placements can also be heavy, it will take extra work to look around and find joy, things to be grateful for. Work with this metaphor-- weed the gardens but also water the flowers.
Day By Day:
Friday, March 7: Vulnerable feelings and strong expression can either work beautifully together or clash. The Moon in sensitive Cancer echoes the Sun and thinks our skin; people grow self-protective and tend to jump on the defense easily just as the Sun trines Mars and builds our outspoken momentum, but not necessarily our tact. Be kind as the default, but don’t believe defensive bluster from people when a simple question is asked. Make progress on something near to the heart, but don't push others out of their comfort zone. Kindness and support get you farther. Good food reads as love tonight.
Moon squares Neptune 7:56 AM, Moon enters Cancer 9:28 AM, Moon square Mercury 8:04 PM, the Sun trines Mars 10:12 PM.
Saturday, March 8: Nest, enjoy a long breakfast and make comforting calls with friends and family; work on cozy domestic projects this more introspective morning. Midday, respond to some urgency but calm the inner warrior- that part of us ready to leap into battle- as the Moon conjuncts Mars. Improve the world instead of irritating one another. Evening flows more smoothly after dinner as the Moon trines the Sun. Some people may be feeling so much that they don't want to talk about it, others need to process.
Moon squares Venus 3:19 AM, Moon conjunct Mars 5:52 PM, Moon trine Sun 7:15 PM.
Sunday, March 9: Our feelings need private expression this morning; check in with family and chosen family, cozy up and leave spacious room for people to talk about what's on their mind. This afternoon grows more social, involved, and engaged; people need to talk about their hopes, not just their concerns as the Moon enters Leo and trines Pluto. Focus on what makes life worth living; Pluto wants to know, though the answer may be complex--it’s not a rhetorical question.
Moon trine Saturn 12:40 AM, Moon sextile Neptune 5:38 AM, Moon trine Neptune 3:31 PM, Moon enters Leo 4:58 PM, Moon trine Pluto 10:47 PM.
Monday, March 10: Dealing with our mundane chores can feel like pulling teeth- We’ll have little energy for what bores us, but plenty when we are on track for our heart’s desires. We could use this emotional river productively or relish getting in trouble as Mercury and Venus trine the Leo Moon- all in spontaneous fire signs, where they lower our impulse control, warm our hearts, and heat our tempers. We can get demanding on our relationships and get ticked off if ignored for even a minute. Engage enthusiastically but think through consequences.
Moon trine Mercury 7:56 AM, Moon trine Venus 10:20 AM, Moon sextile Jupiter 5:45 PM.
Moonbow © Pearl Coburn 2019
Tuesday, March 11: Mercury conjuncts Venus in fierce Aries, we need to speak from our heart, though we might not be tactful in the process. Diplomacy isn't easy with this combination. Let’s be not enabling, but compassionate in our honesty. There is no need to bring out the bazookas or fight with beloveds but do speak up clearly for all you care about, and in detail. Honor any urge to spontaneously create, our Venus needs action. Give her a voice. Put a 5-second lead on other impulses, just think through logical consequences quickly.
Moon square Uranus 2:15 PM, Mercury conjunct Venus 4:54 PM.
Wednesday, March 12: Nerves can make us cranky this morning as the Moon enters edgy Virgo. We have access to our competent skills but can feel deadlines, responsibilities, and restrictions breathe on us as the Sun conjuncts organizational Saturn. Take any challenge to personal authority seriously, stand with a strong spine. Note depressive thoughts, listen to them, but don’t get stuck in that litany. It’s a good day to take on a project, accept a job offer, write a senator; let’s take our competence and viability seriously.
Moon enters Virgo 1:55 AM, Sun conjunct Saturn 4:28 AM.
Thursday, March 13: Sort which deadlines are real, and which are just anxiety; tend to the real work. Tomorrow brings a full Moon-lunar eclipse, Mercury retrogrades on Saturday; we'll have to release what’s ready to go but can get work done first. Listen to people; if they get cranky, find out what worries them, what deadlines they're facing, and support them. Small, tangible, logistical help feels like love. Tonight, as the Moon opposes Saturn, it is easy to focus on the abundant world problems, do not believe the worst of a glum cloud; sympathize and recall what is still lovely.
Moon square Jupiter 4:12 AM, Moon sextile Mars 2:44 PM, Moon oppose Saturn 9:39 PM.
Pink Starfish & Her Bubble © Shelley Irish 2013